Homemade Lightsaber!?!

(youtube) Here my BEAST 3000mW blue laser goes up against a bunch of flammable stuff. Most things light INSTANTLY when placed in the beam of this laser! This is the most powerful handheld laser that I've ever used!

This laser uses the new 9mm 450nm laser diode and runs on two 18650 Li Ion batteries. The housing is a custom machined "Sirius" host. I usually try to refrain from using the term "lightsaber" when referring to my lasers but there really isn't much else out there to describe this laser.

To be honest I don't even like handheld lasers this strong, but I knew my subscribers would like this! This laser is legal to own in the US, and I wore goggles while shooting this video.

Cool, but rather disturbing also.

I'd assume that the power doesn't drop much at all with range... Did the person filming have it in a room fully tiled from floor to ceiling in matte finishes to keep it from scorching paint, wallpaper, etc?

Frankly, the implications of this kind of tech are much more disturbing to me than, say, Google Glass.


Is anyone else thinking this is the perfect arson tool? You don't even have to go inside the building you want to torch, just shine the laser through a window at a cardboard box or something.

Scary implications indeed.


Well the inverse square law will take the edge off at range.. still:


Cool, but rather disturbing also.

I'd assume that the power doesn't drop much at all with range... Did the person filming have it in a room fully tiled from floor to ceiling in matte finishes to keep it from scorching paint, wallpaper, etc?

Frankly, the implications of this kind of tech are much more disturbing to me than, say, Google Glass.


I wonder how much though. If you point a laser at the moon then the beam will cover much of its surface. Wouldn't make much of an arson target anyway, although an aspiring tag artist with a powerful, precise enough laser (probably an array of lasers high up in the mountains tbh) with enough time could make a mark.

Anyway, I think your right. The laser wouldn't spread much but I figure you wouldn't have to go that far before the laser beam isnt concentrated enough to produce a flame. Still, point it somewhere with flammable fumes in the air, say a gas station and focus it on something matt, black with a low flash point and you could make it a very bad day for somebody.


Well the inverse square law will take the edge off at range.. still:

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