He's Too Manly To Scream Like A Little Girl!

OK, that really IS a huge spider!

good viagra alternative "...the venom of the spider can also cause priapism in humans. Erections resulting from the bite are uncomfortable, can last for many hours and can lead to impotence. A component of the venom is being studied for use in erectile dysfunction treatments"


Not at all convinced by the ID here. The spider in the video doesn't look a lot like a brazilian wandering spider. The video is from brazil it seems, but they have a lot of other spiders there too.

Wandering spiders are proportionally very different to the spider in this video, and colouration is different too. The one in the video above seems a uniform dark brown/black colour, without any of the bands on the legs that would help ID a wandering spider.

Have a look at this video of an actual wandering spider:


Nope, its a little bit worse....huntsman spiders dont have venom that can harm humans all that much.

This little fucker however can kill you dead.

Brazillian Wandering Spider.


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