Glenn Beck has lost his mind : with fish

I think Glenn Beck has officially lost it

Look at what's become of you.
You couldn't even find something for the middle "A".
Take your time man, savor it .. you have years to think of something relevant to say.

>> ^quantumushroom:
If this was Bill Maher and the fish was "religion", or John Leibowitz and the fish represented "Iraq" this would be hailed by liberalsift as a masterpiece.

O h
B oy,
M arxist
A merica!


Glenn beck seems to have become more and more manic over the last few weeks. Like his behaviors have fit within the definition of being manic depressive perfectly.
I hope for his sake he's an amazing actor. He gives off the impression that he's a paranoid, ignorant, religious fundamentalist.


Certainly his shenanigans are anathema to any professional standard of journalism, but his point in this video is at least poignant and scary. The Fed has recently monetized $300 billion in U.S. Treasuries, which they call "quantitative easing", but basically will ultimately result in inflation, and risk hyperinflation if it continues down this dangerous path.

I don't know if an innocent fish had to die for Glenn Beck to make this point apparent to his audience.


I think he's trying to be the extreme right-wing's answer to Jon Stewart. But they don't know how to be anything but Rush or Bill O wannabes, so they just plain don't understand the post-modernism involved in making a comedy show that's more relevant than most nightly news broadcasts.

At least... I hope this Beck tool was shooting for comedy in this piece. It makes it seem less sad that way.


I think Glen is a very earnest man. But he is genuinely manipulative and downright paranoid. His ego will be his undoing in future. Like the universe (in which he is the centre), it may eventually collapse in itself when it's grown too large.


>> ^Psychologic:
Glenn Beck's complete oddness tends to distract people from the times that he actually has a valid point.

I don't understand. I need a visual aid.

Would you say that Glenn Beck's complete ape shit insanity is represented by the newspaper, and Glenn Beck's actual point is represented by Larry the stinking dead fish?


>> ^brain:
>> ^Psychologic:
Glenn Beck's complete oddness tends to distract people from the times that he actually has a valid point.

I don't understand. I need a visual aid.
Would you say that Glenn Beck's complete ape shit insanity is represented by the newspaper, and Glenn Beck's actual point is represented by Larry the stinking dead fish?

Well, even stinky dead fish have some nutritional value... even if it is accidental. =)


Look at what's become of you.
You couldn't even find something for the middle "A".

Slightly more than half of America supposedly supports a statist, dictatorial fraud as President, who has done more harm to this nation in 60 days than Bush did in 8 years. A trillion dollars in new taxes? For what? No one knows.

While the Empty Suit diddles on Leno high on the wire without his teleprompter net, North Korea and Iran prepare their weapons. A tax cheat is running the Treasury, printing what will amount to Monopoly money in value, and the claim is, this cheat is the only one who knows "how the Stimulus is supposed to work".

Everyone that voted for The Accidental Kenyan saw in him what they wanted to see...then voted for it. What they got is Jimmy Carter II.

Is that "relevant" enough?


Please tell me who we should have voted for, then.

>> ^quantumushroom:
Look at what's become of you.
You couldn't even find something for the middle "A".

Slightly more than half of America supposedly supports a statist, dictatorial fraud as President, who has done more harm to this nation in 60 days than Bush did in 8 years. A trillion dollars in new taxes? For what? No one knows.
While the Empty Suit diddles on Leno high on the wire without his teleprompter net, North Korea and Iran prepare their weapons. A tax cheat is running the Treasury, printing what will amount to Monopoly money in value, and the claim is, this cheat is the only one who knows "how the Stimulus is supposed to work".
Everyone that voted for The Accidental Kenyan saw in him what they wanted to see...then voted for it. What they got is Jimmy Carter II.
Is that "relevant" enough?


Everyone that voted for The Accidental Kenyan saw in him what they wanted to see...

Mainly that he wasn't running with Palin. I still can't vote for social conservatives, and neither front runner was a fiscal conservative.

Obama thinks that we can spend our way to a healthy economy before our creditors cut us off. Maybe, maybe not. At least he does give a convincing speech, which may buy us enough time for his plan to work somewhat (we'll see).

If they do stop lending the US loads of money then we'll just print it, and that's where the fun starts. China is already losing faith in the Dollar... we're just lucky that there is currently no viable alternative. If people start unloading their Dollar assets, on top of massive money-printing, then we could very well end up in a situation far worse that the recession that would have happened if we had done nothing and let it play out (mmm, inflationary depression).

Hopefully Obama's charisma is enough to keep people on board and prevent a disaster, but there's no way to really predict that. If Bush had tried this then we'd be cut off already. Obama has the luxury of being more popular in Europe than most of their elected leaders. However long that lasts will have a big impact on the outcome of all this.


Oh my gosh, qm. This comment is a friggin masterpiece. It's funny that burdturgler thought that you failed to find a word for the "a", but he actually just missed the point completely. Classic.

>> ^quantumushroom:
If this was Bill Maher and the fish was "religion", or John Leibowitz and the fish represented "Iraq" this would be hailed by liberalsift as a masterpiece.

O h
B oy,
M arxist
A merica!


>> ^thepinky:
You know what's really funny, Rougster?
Your pimply butt-face.

You're a cute little shit.

If you knew what Marxism meant, you'd know instantly that Obama is anything but a Marxist, and that QM is only being his juvenile self.

Just for kicks, read up on the basics of Marx. He pointed out the fundamental weaknesses of capitalism, and one of those weaknesses is apparent today (attn. US car makers).

These are the basics:

The capitalist system is designed so that over the course of time, the working class will no longer be able to afford the goods that it produces.

Wealth is constantly funneled to the upper-classes and when the working class is too poor to buy anything, it results in a glut of products that nobody can afford to buy, a.k.a. a depression, or a crash of the model.

His solution to the problem wasn't very realistic, but his recognition of the problem was prescient.


I find it interesting that anybody takes this kind of simplistic analogy seriously. Honestly....a pundit with a fish. Can't we have intelligent academics who understand what's going on around the world hosting these shows?


Oh, Rougy, just calm down. I know perfectly well what Marxism is. I have actually read quite a bit of Karl Marx and I write papers on Marxist literary theory on a regular basis. I just thought qm's comment was funny and ridiculous (I mostly liked the first part, btw). You get offended too easily, man, and I just thought that if you were going to throw out personal insults and unsubstantiated claims about what I don't know, I'd answer you with equal immaturity.

Besides, although I know that Obama is not Marxist, he has a few objections to capitalism and the processes thereof that strike me as slightly Marxist in nature.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I enjoy reading Marx because the guy made a lot of sense. Hey, I don't lick capitalism's feet, but I certainly like it a lot better than whatever perverted economic theory Obama subscribes to.

>> ^rougy:
>> ^thepinky:
You know what's really funny, Rougster?
Your pimply butt-face.

You're a cute little shit.

If you knew what Marxism meant, you'd know instantly that Obama is anything but a Marxist, and that QM is only being his juvenile self.

Just for kicks, read up on the basics of Marx. He pointed out the fundamental weaknesses of capitalism, and one of those weaknesses is apparent today (attn. US car makers).

These are the basics:

The capitalist system is designed so that over the course of time, the working class will no longer be able to afford the goods that it produces.

Wealth is constantly funneled to the upper-classes and when the working class is too poor to buy anything, it results in a glut of products that nobody can afford to buy, a.k.a. a depression, or a crash of the model.

His solution to the problem wasn't very realistic, but his recognition of the problem was prescient.

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