Getting your dog to tow you on a skateboard


I made the mistake of doing this with my dog when I was a kid. She was pulling me with a light jog and then a cat ran across the road and she went full sprint. She was 90lbs, probably more than I weighed at the time. I never tried that shit again.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Thank you sir - they had to kill a hell of a lot of naugas to make this thing. >> ^Gallowflak:

>> ^dag:
That was fun. The dog seemed to enjoy it and he had a proper harness, let's not jump on the "what an awful owner" bandwagon that seems to happen with these things.

I like your coat.


That dog wasn't in any way abused. She was even "inthecarcanwegointhecarhowabouthecarcanwecanwehuhhuh" at the beginning. That dog is probably healthier than most dogs that get merely walked. The terrain seemed mostly flat and that dog is 104% muscle.


People do this by my house all the time. Upvote because now I know what it looks like POV. And just like in porn, POV makes everything better.

except for if the perspective holder has a black dick...or a big dick...or a dick that doesn't bank sharply to the left. In all those scenarios I can't put myself in the fantasy.


I've done this before; I needed to get the dog accustom to the sound of the skateboard rolling up behind her, because first try she just kept running fast and faster, nervously looking back behind her every 10 seconds.

She was uncomfortable with the new (and loud) sound chasing right behind her, and got past it and had fun after about 10 min. of just rolling around and playing fetch... then it was dog-sledding time!


Tried this once with my grandmothers dog when I was younger except I was on roller blades.

The problem is that should the dog decide to stop suddenly, either you're getting hurt, or the dog is.

Fortunately for my conscience, it was me.


I mean like everyone else was i'm sure, I was like, oh man watch out for cars, oh man that's a one way, oh man stop sign! But being that the guy lives there I'm pretty sure he knows it's not a busy time in his sub and the dog loved it so good for him. I do this with my dog too but my dog only weighs 5lbs so he can't pull me but he loves being able to run full speed for as long as his tiny little heart desires.

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