Former Trump Voter: Why He Won't Vote For Trump Again

"I spent 13 years in the Marine Corps reserves. I spent 32 years as a union millwright in the building trade of Ohio. I like people that are straight-talking, say what you do, do what you say. That's who I thought I was voting for."

Why on earth would he think Trump was EVER a straight talker?
When has he EVER seen Trump do what he said he would?
When has he EVER seen Trump be loyal to anyone besides himself?
He hasn't.

It's hard to hear him say all that as if he was tricked somehow....Trump has always been a liar, cheater, coward, and totally disloyal narcissist, failed businessman, tax cheater, thief, welcher, blatant racist, fan of Hitler, draft dodger, and public pedophile and incest enthusiast. If you voted for Trump, you voted for all that out of irrational hatred of Democrats, foreigners, non whites, and/or the educated, not because it wasn't public knowledge or even in doubt.

Y'all got carpet bagged by a con man you KNEW was a professional con man and subhuman fecal pile when you chose him. Your party deserves extinction.


I never paid Trump much attention before he became a presidential candidate simply because of his ego. Not really interested in people that choose to die in their own arms. It wasn't until he occupied the White House that I learned what he really is.

I think it's easy to see that sometimes people don't vote for the candidate as much as they do for the party regardless.

I do know Trump inspired me to register to vote against him.



So, you fully support abortion more than most, now calling for 200th trimester abortion being legal against 50 year olds!!!!
Even I think you should only be allowed to abort through the seventh trimester, like Spartans.


Edit: FTFY- Bobknight tried to say "No one cares, abort this man. [My] opinion, except (meaning to exclude) leftest nut jobs [from getting to vote]." Unfortunately his educational level precluded him from being capable of speaking in English.


No one cares abort this man opinion, except leftest nut jobs.

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