Flynn's White House Tenure: It's Funny 'Cause It's Treason


Sadly, the actual Trump supporters are more upset about the fact this information got out to the public than they are about what happened. Which is frightfully telling.


So, Trump supporters (or supporter... is it just Bob here?) tell me, ARE you tired of winning yet?


what i find most disturbing by many of my friends who supported trump is their almost blind attachment to an ever-increasing lean towards authoritarianism.

while i find trump's petty tantrums due to the realization that those pesky other branches of government are independent to the executive branch..HILARIOUS..the response of many trump supporters,who appear totally willing to give trump blanket authority..pretty fucking scary.

trump appears to really be bothered about those pesky "checks and balances" and that ancient and archaic "constitution",and his supporters seem to be just as pissed.

this new age of populism,be it left or right,should be a concern for all of us.

it seems the days of neoliberalism are waning,and we are entering the new age of neonationalism.

and with supporters who refuse to examine what trump is doing without any critical thought....may be the most concerning of all.

they are blindly promoting king trump.
and i am not down with that.


You've got to use his full name or you're just talking crap behind his back...
@bobknight33...tired of winning yet?

3+ weeks of letting him keep security clearance after Trump knew he lied repeatedly about illegal Russian conversations and promises he made to why did his trust erode now and not when he was told? Certainly not because they were caught red handed lying about it, right?
And his issue isn't the illegal, unpatriotic collusion with Russia or lying about it to everyone, it's that crime being exposed that he's going to work to ensure isn't repeated.


So, Trump supporters (or supporter... is it just Bob here?) tell me, ARE you tired of winning yet?


Honest question. I haven't seen any reference to the content of the conversations Flynn had. do you have some links or references to excerpts of the content of his conversations that show promises or collusion?


You've got to use his full name or you're just talking crap behind his back...
@bobknight33...tired of winning yet?

3+ weeks of letting him keep security clearance after Trump knew he lied repeatedly about illegal Russian conversations and promises he made to why did his trust erode now and not when he was told? Certainly not because they were caught red handed lying about it, right?
And his issue isn't the illegal, unpatriotic collusion with Russia or lying about it to everyone, it's that crime being exposed that he's going to work to ensure isn't repeated.


Those transcripts are classified, so we'll have to wait for someone to hack his emails/the FBI and release them to WikiLeaks to read them, but the administration has admitted that they would show that he discussed their intention to eliminate the sanctions Obama had just implemented that day, even though he was a private citizen at the time and Trump was not yet president, contrary to what they've been selling us for the last month.
Subverting foreign affairs in collusion with a foreign nation's diplomats, that's called treason.
Allowing someone you KNOW subverted foreign affairs by colluding with a hostile foreign nation and it's diplomats and lied about it repeatedly both in public and privately to the administration to retain high security clearance for almost a month after the subversive crimes come to light...that's complete incompetence that rises to the level of impeachment, IMO. Far worse than what Nixon did.


Honest question. I haven't seen any reference to the content of the conversations Flynn had. do you have some links or references to excerpts of the content of his conversations that show promises or collusion?


I hadn't seen the agreement that Flynn had discussed ending the sanctions, but had instead acknowledged that sanctions had 'come up'? It's not much of a leap to deduce that Russians would be discussing potentially ending them, but from what I'd seen so far it sounded like Trump's circle was implying Flynn never committed to anything, and potentially even said that wasn't appropriate to discuss. There is of course zero reason to extend that benefit of the doubt, but I hadn't seen anything concrete.


Those transcripts are classified, so we'll have to wait for someone to hack his emails and release them to WikiLeaks to read them, but the administration has admitted that they would show that he discussed their intention to eliminate the sanctions Obama had just implemented that day, even though he was a private citizen at the time and Trump was not yet president, contrary to what they've been selling us for the last month.
Subverting foreign affairs in collusion with a foreign nation's diplomats, that's called treason.
Allowing someone you KNOW subverted foreign affairs by colluding with a hostile foreign nation and it's diplomats and lied about it repeatedly both in public and privately to the administration to retain high security clearance for almost a month after the subversive crimes come to light...that's complete incompetence that rises to the level of impeachment, IMO. Far worse than what Nixon did.


Few have seen the transcripts, but those who have characterized his conversations as containing information the Russians could use to blackmail him with. To me, that sounds much worse than 'He mentioned sanctions, but only to say he won't discuss them.'

Trump had already publicly stated that he would remove any sanctions Obama implemented (which by itself is subversive), so for me to think his proxy said anything differently would require proof.

They have that proof, the full transcripts recorded by the intelligence community, and Trump could declassify it and show us today...but he hasn't and he won't because undoubtedly what was said on his behalf looks terrible at best, and more likely treasonously unAmerican.


I hadn't seen the agreement that Flynn had discussed ending the sanctions, but had instead acknowledged that sanctions had 'come up'? It's not much of a leap to deduce that Russians would be discussing potentially ending them, but from what I'd seen so far it sounded like Trump's circle was implying Flynn never committed to anything, and potentially even said that wasn't appropriate to discuss. There is of course zero reason to extend that benefit of the doubt, but I hadn't seen anything concrete.

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