Florida School Shooter was Member of White Nationalist Group


Drudge Report has a link saying that the local sheriff's office has done some investigation and has found "no known ties between the ROF, Jordan Jereb or the Broward shooter."

That doesn't necessarily mean that the connection is false, but terrorist groups etc. have falsely claimed that someone was acting on their behalf or was a member of their group before.

I find Drudge to be a pretty good site to keep in my shortlist for news. Gotta keep the definite tilt to the right in mind, but then again being wary against bias is a good practice in general.


Drudge Report has a link saying that the local sheriff's office has done some investigation and has found "no known ties between the ROF, Jordan Jereb or the Broward shooter."

That doesn't necessarily mean that the connection is false, but terrorist groups etc. have falsely claimed that someone was acting on their behalf or was a member of their group before.

I find Drudge to be a pretty good site to keep in my shortlist for news. Gotta keep the definite tilt to the right in mind, but then again being wary against bias is a good practice in general.


White nationalist ideologies are not just about being anti people of color. In some ways they hate white people who don't agree with their way of thinking even more.


So a white nationalist, but killed white people. I think he doesn't understand his own ideology.


I wish the media would wise up and actually vet their sources before publishing, or at least use the word unconfirmed liberally.


You aren't alone.
Seems like some alt right group used other alt right groups to troll the ADL if I read correctly.


well I'm confused now.

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