
Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, February 15th, 2013 7:40am PST - promote requested by kulpims.


Whoa, Mexican Jesus is a handsome reanimator!!

Uhhhh, anyone else think that these Mexican zombie special effects are way better than The Walking Dead as well?


Tags for this video have been changed from 'jesus, zombies' to 'jesus, judas, lazarus, resurrection, cowboys, zombies, weaponized fish' - edited by xxovercastxx


HOLY SHIZNIT! My God, I haven't laughed like that since Wedding Crashers. This is genius. Now I have to convince my bible-thumping friends to see it.


I'm tellin' ya, and the cheesy zombie effects are on par with the best of the best-I maintain, that this segment is better than all 3 seasons so far, of The Walking Dead..which sucked donkey balls, IMLTHO.....Like watching a rotting soap opera of imbeciles without a clue.

Any writers of the show, feel free to chime-in on the thread, you wasted all that coke on the 1st season, so very paltry for the money invested, your final product, may your 4rth season fall flat, die zombies!

♝unsolicited review of Walking Dead #2936


HOLY SHIZNIT! My God, I haven't laughed like that since Wedding Crashers. This is genius. Now I have to convince my bible-thumping friends to see it.


Anyone else think WD sucked on several levels?? It did have it's much easier to make it more entertaining though...Sucked balls

visionepjokingly says...

My favorite part was where nobody cares so much about a comedy being made of their savior so they don't run around killing people in real life or blowing up stuff because they think they need to be crazy mad.

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