Firefighter Reinstated After Spitting on Black Toddler

terrence jeremy skeen, the racist firefighter has been Reinstated after assaulting a 3 year old black toddler.

They might not have had an option, Firefighter's union may have forced them to rescind it until he is proven guilty.

Tags are crazy wrong again. News applies, law applies,equality applies, and terrible could apply. *nochannel

I read the op-ed and the original article, it sounds like there were witnesses. Hopefully if he is guilty, it will be handled correctly.


A 3 year old kid was spat on by a 42 year old grown man. Not everything associated with kids is positive but life goes on if they survive it. Even Sesame Street tackles difficult events and topics.


This video still doesn't apply to the 'kids' tag. That tag is for stuff that children might find enjoyable.

I am unsure as to why you feel the need to stack the max number of tags on controversial videos, but I would appreciate it if you at least kept them to tags that somewhat apply.


A 3 year old kid was spat on by a 42 year old grown man. Not everything associated with kids is positive but life goes on if they survive it. Even Sesame Street tackles difficult events and topics.


*terrible *news *law *equality *controversy *wtf

Again, intentionally assigned to the wrong channels.
@C-note, please read the channel description, you're being a dick about kids.
Kids-Sandbox for Sift Tots. This is a realm for videos that are suitable for children to enjoy. Non-kid-friendly videos that simply happen to contain a kid do not belong here.


@Mordhaus @newtboy
It's possible @C-note does not know about the channel assignment rules of the sift ( It's also possible he does not have the ability to see the definitions of each channel. From what i can tell the channel definitions are not available for those using vs6. The old sift style still makes them available so this may be an/the issue. Also you will notice if you attempt to click on any of the channel links siftbot has put in the above comment, they do not work. I think @lucky760 may need to address this issue one way or another.

(edit) also for the record i see channel assignments improperly used by many if not most sifters due to the fact they may know how some channels are defined but obviously not all of them.


Understood, but he's had it explained to him directly by multiple sifters.....I even cut and pasted the channel description for him.
Hopefully he reads it.

Edit-when it's an improper assignment to the kids channel, it's worth addressing imo, the rest are just annoying.


@Mordhaus @newtboy
It's possible @C-note does not know about the channel assignment rules of the sift ( It's also possible he does not have the ability to see the definitions of each channel. From what i can tell the channel definitions are not available for those using vs6, the new sifts design (please correct me if i'm wrong). The old sift style still makes them available so this may be an/the issue. Also you will notice if you attempt to click on any of the channel links siftbot has put in the above comment, they do not work. I think @lucky760 may need to address this issue one way or another.

(edit) also for the record i see channel assignments improperly used by many if not most sifters due to the fact they may know how some channels are defined but obviously not all of them.


They've been here long enough to get to silver star. I have a hard time believing they don't understand. They'd have to, if even just by osmosis and inference.

It's the changing the channel assignments back to the incorrect ones that's kinda putting me off.

I think you'll find they understand perfectly, they just don't care and are basically "spamming".


It's possible C-note does not know about the channel assignment rules of the sift


*terrible *news *law *equality

How long before this gets snidely reassigned to the kids channel?
We need to either fix or remove that channel.....or hobble this user.
Kids is FOR kids, not about kids.

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