Fallout 3: Perfect Life + Gameplay Trailer

Fallout 3 presented at E3 2008. Perfect Life Trailer followed by gameplay video from Microsofts Press Conference at E3 2008.

Absolutely awesome *actionpack. I'm definitely going to be playing this.

This game is so *dark - awesome.

Exclusive 360/Games for Windows substantial downloadable content? Hmm... well it'l be on both systems, that's good, but I don't like the extra-pay for extra-fun approach. Hmm.


Love the disclaimers.

I'm pretty skeptical on this game to be honest. Looks a bit too much like Oblivion, and I can't see that kind of turn based system being all that fun for the kind of playtime they're offering. Ah well, only time will tell. Dunno, if I were them I would have stuck with the isometric view just like Blizzard did with D3.


I played Oblivion and actually enjoyed it. As many bugs and as mediocre as it became, that initial first few weeks of playing was a blast; before the repetitiveness of it began to finally become more apparent. I'll be interested to try this as I believe it is a further step in the correct direction. I envy our youth, and their children. Can you imagine what it will be like, games of the future? Regardless, I'm looking forward to the game.


The coolest thing about Fallout three is that this can either be an RTS or an FPS depending how you play...

This is something that has never been done before, and yet watching how both styles of gameplay come together in this demo, it makes you wonder why no one has tried this before....


I almost feel like downvoting... those bastards at the Australian Fascist Board of Censorship (I think that's the official title) have refused it classification meaning it can't be released here.

begrudging upvote... ohh the inhumanity.


I am the biggest fan in the world of fallout 1 and 2, and what this showed really makes me worry

I fear that they haven't understood what was great about fallout.. i almost shouted in rage when they said the game "takes place in washington city" - where's all the other locations and the travelling between them? the split turn based/real time combat looks absolutely horrible (both to use and visually, i found the 'explosion shortly followed by gibs' to be rubbish)

Why tangle with a winning formula? similar UI would have worked for me - in fact it might have even been a fresh change from all the current games.. update it a bit, make it a bigger world, more interaction and interactive/reactive people and communities... they didn't need to change the graphics just to get people hooked.. are they chasing the #1 popular games charts AND hardcore fallout fans? i hope not

got me worried!


oh no, now i am all worried as well. i like isometric 3d view if this is just going to be a shooter with some post-apocalyptic spice on top, i will be very dissapointed.
(i even like fallout tactics)


I think they are simply trying to making Bioshock type success story for the consoles.

Remember the big thing about Bioshock is that it took out alot of the complexity and RPG elements from System Shock 2 and basically made a FPS shooter. For me that really killed the game, I felt I was basically playing a shooter dressed up with a good plot line and a few audio logs. But since I already heard of Ayn Rand it wasn't that appealing to me.

This is another dilution of the formula, which am not surprised to see considering how much life and complexity The Elder Scrolls lost going from Morrowind on the PC to Oblivion on the PC (The Xbox to Xbox 360 exclusive status to be blamed).

In essence they will turn Fallout into a more formulaic game, the plot will be good I gather but it will be whittled down by the simplified interface and mechanic to satisfy the console base.

What I find stupid is that most gamers are much older now, raised through successive lines of consoles from the 70s and 80s. Instead of appealing to a more mature audience they keep making games for 14 year olds.

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