Explosion Pisses Off Wasps

An explosion in Afghanistan bugs the insects. They hit the camera (and anything else in sight) pretty hard.


Africanized killer bees, far from the southern hemisphere, hear of a party in the land of Hindu Kush, but upon arriving, find nothing but low Db emissions, coming from opposite the direction of a giant eyeball, with no segmentation.


I. Fucking. Hate. Wasps.

They're gathering outside my house right now, forming this creepy buzzing 15 wasp orgy that's going to become a nest that I'm going to have to spray. I can see them from where I'm typing.

I don't really have a problem with spiders or ants or anything (although I did read an article about how roaches can get trapped in your ear and I slept with a pillow over my head for awhile) but wasps...wasps fly, man. They *already* have an advantage over me. That's freaky.


Bees are ok. Only the cute ones though. Like, I realize that a bumblebee can still sting, but there's just something about it that's a little less threatening. And definitely not the one in the Nasonex commercial. The Antonio Banderas bee. That bee's not threatening, but he is annoying.


Hah!! Insect wimps!!......when stuff starts crawling or buzzing around, mees go into catch it and subdue mode.....woke up the other morning to one of those teensy wasps, that had gotten in the house, it started to sting me on the back of the neck,(fucker was pinched b/t neck and pillow) and reaching back to find the source, had the bugger b/t the index n' thumb....sloooowly squeezed it into the next realm.....

let spiders crawl around on me. too.....yeah, yeah, still play with bugs @ 42, go figure.....


Dude, next time I go blowing up a mountain, I'm soooo checking for wasps. This happened at my house (minus the mountain blowing up) when a tree branch fell off a tree . . . well, the bees had been using it as a little home. Those suckers were PISSSSSSED. We didn't go outside for a while, they were attacking everything. Now I can't find any squirrels.

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