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gwiz665I'm not sure the logic is sound. While, his observations seem accurate, it may simply be collapsing asymmetrically, girders in the corners not under as much weight, as the contents of the floor above fall inwards to the center of the building.
In any case *talks.
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StukaFoxsays..."I have disabled comments because 9/11 Conspiracy Dipshits can't take having their sad, sick pet theories shredded for empty-headed bullshit they are."
oohlalasassoonSo, somehow, demolition artists disguised as temp workers, or water cooler repairmen, planted a ring of explosives on every floor, at critical structural points, without raising the suspicion of anyone who worked on any of the floors, so that a few minutes after the scapegoat airliner hits the building they push a detonation button to have the floors synchronistically collapse. What a bulletproof theory.
honkeytonk73Jesus did it. That is the only logical explanation. Only someone with magical superpowers can make a building fall at free fall speed with essentially zero resistance. I am satisfied with that explanation, and I'll take it on 'faith' that my government always tells me the truth.
lucky760Of course there were explosions. Everyone knows bombs explode without making any sound. Just watch any video of a building implosion and you'll notice that even in a short 5 story building the long series of deafening detonations are completely inaudible, just like when the Twin Towers collapsed.
And sure in every other implosion in the history of mankind the lowest floors give way first then each successively higher floor collapses downward, but the secret team that invented the government's silent bombs also thought it would be neat to make an implosion happen upside-down, with the topmost floors collapsing first.
Just look at all the silent implosions where the collapse begins with the top floor and you'll see it makes plenty of sense:
reiwanThis is a job for Mythbusters!
choggie^this is quite a telling social experiment-We can see here how in the one camp, we have name-calling, sophomoric rants on the impossibility of a premeditated demolition which indicate the stages of grief stopping off at denial tinctured with rage. In another, a thoughtful yet equally as sardonic rant complete with multimedia assist, not unlike the complete bullshit promulgated by some "official" entity charged with telling the robots and wage slaves what to think and how to think. Then comes the lighthearted, "laugh it the fuck out of my consciousness" type who would rather self medicate, masturbate, and practice being clever, than to have to wipe their own ass....
Let's keep the ball rolling monkeys, you're all performing predictably well considering it has been nearly a short decade since the ultimate fist-fuck of America occurred, without a doubt perpetrated by the CIA-created Al Kendra and her Unwashed Sand-Dwelling Baddies...
rougyYeah, no bombs there.
All of that reinforced steel and concrete just went poof all by itself.
Many Americans have been conditioned to equate conspiracy with lunacy.
The propaganda worked.
rebuilderSeems to me this would be pretty much what you'd expect for a building with a largely glass facade. Glass panes are pretty fragile, so when such a building collapses, you'd expect the glass to fall apart quite uniformly on all sides, regardless of how uniform the destruction of the support structures was. Nothing will come through a solid structure until said structure is destroyed. A collapse would most definitely result in a drastic increase of pressure inside the building, forcing smoke and gases out wherever they can exit. Combine a downward cascade of bursting glass panes with a pressurized interior, and this is what you get. The expulsion of gases could only be asymmetric if the bursting of glass were, and that seems highly unlikely to be the case.
Beyond that, I don't see the logic of the Bush administration conspiring to blow up the towers in this manner. Two planes were itentionally crashed into the WTC. If they wanted an excuse to start a war, introduce PATRIOT act etc., that would be quite sufficient. There's little extra benefit to making sure the towers come all the way down, and plenty of risk. I don't buy the idea that the towers were rigged to blow.
enochi notice that so many will dismiss any theory that suggests demolition yet ignore the fact that the "theory" fed to us by our own government is a steaming piling of shit.
is the idea that a government would so callously murder thousands to garner more power and control so un-imaginable?
it has been done before..many many times.
or is it because it is OUR government?
time to grow up kids,your government aint your friend.
does this statement mean that i am convinced that our government perpetrated one of the largest mass killings in this century so far?
no....but i wont count them out either.historically governments have always been self-serving and rarely serve the people but rather those who seek power and dominance that only THEY will benefit.
maybe you stick to the ideology that america's government is FOR the people BY the people.
if you still believe that, you have not been paying attention.
do you actually think the people that own this country give one rats fuck about you?
they dont care about you or what you want!
you are a slave and by putting your head in the sand and not asking questions you are being a good slave.
be a good slave and dont ask questions and NEVER about the righteousness of your government.
enoch>> ^rebuilder:
Seems to me this would be pretty much what you'd expect for a building with a largely glass facade. Glass panes are pretty fragile, so when such a building collapses, you'd expect the glass to fall apart quite uniformly on all sides, regardless of how uniform the destruction of the support structures was. Nothing will come through a solid structure until said structure is destroyed. A collapse would most definitely result in a drastic increase of pressure inside the building, forcing smoke and gases out wherever they can exit. Combine a downward cascade of bursting glass panes with a pressurized interior, and this is what you get. The expulsion of gases could only be asymmetric if the bursting of glass were, and that seems highly unlikely to be the case.
Beyond that, I don't see the logic of the Bush administration conspiring to blow up the towers in this manner. Two planes were itentionally crashed into the WTC. If they wanted an excuse to start a war, introduce PATRIOT act etc., that would be quite sufficient. There's little extra benefit to making sure the towers come all the way down, and plenty of risk. I don't buy the idea that the towers were rigged to blow.
here ya go rebuilder:
watch this.
it is a documentary (choggie's post ironically)which it details the construction of the towers.
specifically pay attention to the architects and engineers when they discuss how the towers will react to MULTIPLE plane crashes into the tower.
let me know when you are done so we can go over things like physics.
after that we shall move onto the fairly large archives of "false flag operations".
again ..i am not saying that this was a government job.
what i AM saying is that to reject any possibility of that being the case is just naive.
there is a very strong possibility.
history alludes to that fact over and over and over.
choggieI have always been a doubter-I throw these posts into the mix from time to time to reinforce the spirit of the questioning voice within.
Two times in the history of the United States there have been attempts by presidents to issue currencies that had nothing to do with the federal reserve. President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Using the power he had as president, about 4.8 billion in U.S. Notes backed by silver were put into circulation. June 4, 1963-(my birthday)
February 25, 1863-The National Banking Act-Lincoln did the same thing. Issuance of currencies backed by bank holdings.
No mystery as to why these guys were fucking shot in the head considering how far the world has come with regard to currencies.....
We are headed for one. One currency backed by nothing at all but fart-gas and blood of folks like us.
You wonder why someone with their head extricated through many an hour of mentation from their own asshole, has a problem with official stories, considering the history of power and control?
If the civil war had not been resolved, by a president later shot in the head, the fucking Brits in Canada at the time, and the fucking French army in Mexico, would have been able to march right the fuck up and down, and secure the states-What would a bunch of morphine addicts and women and children have done about it??
Fast-forward to the now, and we are on the verge AS A WORLD, of handing this power over to the fucking wankers who are behind the shit spoken of above. Not by killing off the men brother by brother with gunpowder....but by killing them with blind, fucking, obedient servitude-that and a piss-poor education, shitty food grown by corporate farms..etc etc etc OH, and by turning a few generations into video game playing ineffectual girly-men!!
^Not the government of the United States, ya pusillanimous bunch of crotch-scratching nose-pickers, the motherfucking cocksuckers who lead entire countries around like puppy dogs and kitty cats, to build fucking empire!
This history lesson brought to you by someone who could give a fuck about the most widely accepted opinions, commentaries, or editorials.
Mandtis>> ^enoch:
here ya go rebuilder:
watch this.
it is a documentary (choggie's post ironically)which it details the construction of the towers.
specifically pay attention to the architects and engineers when they discuss how the towers will react to MULTIPLE plane crashes into the tower.
let me know when you are done so we can go over things like physics.
Yup, your physics must be correct, because a plane from the sixties has the exact same size, mass, speed, uses the same fuel, etc., than a plane from 40 years later.
The plane that crashed on the Empire State on 1945 also was the same, but on that one noone had planted bombs on the building, so it didn't go down.
choggie....and that was not a plane that hit the pentagon (show the films confiscated)..and the burning WTC 7 simply HAD to come down!!! After all, it was on fire...we always drop buildings into their own footprints that have been burning for over 5 hrs in the U.S....especially ones with so much cool government spook shit in them, and especially ones with the NY office of Emergency management, IRS, Secret Service, and SEC...
Yeah yeah yeah, "The heat from the uncontrolled fires caused steel floor beams and girders to thermally expand, leading to a chain of events that caused a key structural column to fail." blah blah blah....
Why then, did Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC compound, in need of asbestos removal and major repairs say "we had to pull it" when asked about WTC 7? Answer-He got sloppy on the record.
Any one of the simple questions swept under the rug of time and apathy should be vigorously and publicly questioned.
rebuilder>> ^choggie:
Why then, did Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC compound, in need of asbestos removal and major repairs say "we had to pull it" when asked about WTC 7? Answer-He got sloppy on the record.
If you go look up the source, you'll find Silverstein doesn't say "we", he says the firefighters decided to "pull", in light of the terrible loss of life they'd seen already, and then they watched the building collapse.
I don't see how your claim makes any sense. What's your scenario here? Insurance fraud? Would Silverstein deliberately blow up his building to cash in on the attacks only to suddenly forget he did that and admit to it all on TV? Seriously? Or are you saying it was part of a plot to further enrage the American people to bolster the Bush administration? Why would they demolish the building in secret? Just saying it was too badly damaged by who-knows-what related to the plane crashes and it was seen as safest to just take the whole thing down would have been enough. I don't see how the claim it was blown up makes any sense - what's the motive?
NordlichReiterDid any one else see that title and think of CSI? ENHANCE! ENHANCE! ENHANCE!
In all seriousness, the buildings fell ~3,000 people died. Let the building theories rest already. I'm more concerned with the gross misconduct of the defense systems that we so dearly pay for with our hard earned fiat dollars.
Also, more people die of heart related ailments a year than all of those who died in the twin towers.
While this may not be completly factual it is a healthy dose of reality. I say it may not be factual because I don't see a citation on it anywhere.
Trust me there are far more dangerous things to worry about, like the oxidation of your razor blades which could cause staph infection which could result in Necrotizing fasciitis. While it is rare to get this sort of thing rust usually denotes an unclean razor which could contain infection most commonly staph.
choggieFuck me....razor blades can kill ya??...Now THAT's some goddamn news!
Look rebuilder..yer doing the work of millions with your ponderings....keep at it-Perhaps someday, nay, today, your usefulness will be fully realized...
Ahhhh the vampires and those willing to give blood to survive...I am one..wouldn't lie to ya!?
You?-I would gladly under threat of torture, tell all to save my own, pathetic soul-Give ya another quart if you fly me back home to be with my family one last time....And so the world grinds along at the motherfucking snail's pace for most- All is as it should be, nothing to see here-Plane crash into buildings every fucking day of the week. Read the official story...go back to sleep and wake up refreshed and happy...S'there a problem with that!?
*choggie placed on yet another list
peggedbeasorry honey,
i believe whole heartedly that the government was well aware that this could and probably would happen and did nothing to prevent it, because an event like this would give them full blown support and the power to commit the atrocities that happened following.
however, it really was not this organized. and especially without an eventual leak from any one working on any explosives teams. really, the bush administration, while calculating and evil, was just not this smart or tight lipped.
the only 9/11 truth is that this was and still is used by those in power or those who seek power to manipulate its citizens into giving up their rights and commit a murderous assault on one of the worlds poorest nations in the name of oil power, and bully the rest of the world into submission.
the end.
choggiei only do this to stir up shit...y'all know that, right?...Can't be helped, really...trained and imprinted to do so-
happy to be breathing air, fuck the dumbshitz!
siftbotDiscarding this post - discard requested by original submitter choggie.
choggiediscarded, by the way, to post more cool shit without having to go charter again!
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