Eaten Alive Promo

The plan, put on a crush proof homemade suit, shower in pigs blood, and get eaten by an anaconda. What could go wrong?

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, November 7th, 2014 10:34am PST - promote requested by original submitter newtboy.


Remember when MTV did music videos? Remember when History Channel did non-alien historical stuff?


Anyone remember the days when Discovery had programming with educational value?


Eaten Alive?!? Wild 25 foot Anaconda?!? What BS. Turns out they couldn't find a 25 foot wild anaconda, so they used a 20 foot tame/captive one. Also, more like hugged alive. No part of him was eaten.
I call shenanigans! Everybody grab a broom!

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