Don't Mess with this Chick - She'll Kick your Ass!

I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

Nice choreography. Why don't UFC fighters do all these things? Because they don't work. A kick with the instep is not going to do much damage, especially when someone is hopped up on drugs or adrenaline. The best self-defense moves are very simple, a strike to the eyes, a chop to the throat, a kick to the groin. A headbutt done before the first move works well. Jumping spinning kicks won't land 99% of the time.

On the other hand, this girl is far better equipped to defend herself than someone who has no training of this sort. Martial arts training will only help you be a better fighter, it will not necessarily make you invincible.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'amy, fighting, gym, girl, kick ass, self defence' to 'amy, fighting, gym, girl, kick ass, self defence, Choreography' - edited by BoneRemake


This girls attacks would glance off any proper sized bloke.
They look fancy, thats about it. Self defence classes are meaningless....just get yourself a tazer.


>> ^charliem:

This girls attacks would glance off any proper sized bloke.
They look fancy, thats about it. Self defence classes are meaningless....just get yourself a tazer.

I prefer blunt force trauma for my victims assailants

I carry a foot long quarter inch copper pipe filled and capped with Portland cement in my sock just for such events.


>> ^charliem:

This girls attacks would glance off any proper sized bloke.
They look fancy, thats about it. Self defence classes are meaningless....just get yourself a tazer.

Yeah I outweigh these girls by at least 100 pounds. If I had one cornered though, my balls, my eyes, I'm losing something so I wouldn't fuck with them.

antjokingly says...

>> ^charliem:

This girls attacks would glance off any proper sized bloke.
They look fancy, thats about it. Self defence classes are meaningless....just get yourself a tazer.

"Don't tase me, bro."


Ooh, cat fight. I get beat up by women all the time though.

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