Disney's Future Of Transportation From 1950

Very fun to watch. This nine minute reel is jammed with concepts still ripe for the picking. I for one would welcome tubular highways!

Actually, from the youtube submission itself: "An excerpt from the 1958 "Disneyland" TV Show episode entitled "Magic Highway USA". In this last part of the show, an exploration into possible future Transportation technologies is made. It's hard to believe how little we've accomplished on this front since 1958, and how limited the scope for imagining such future technologies has become. Witness an artifact from a time where the future was greeted with optimism. Note the striking animation style here, achieved with fairly limited animation and spectacular layouts."

So it's from 1958.

I also completely disagree with the comments by the youtube submitter saying how our scope for imagining the future is so limited now. It's nothing to do with lack of vision, it's to do with understanding the realities of technology more. We know now how HARD it is for cars to drive themselves. How stupidly EXPENSIVE it'd be to make all highways internally heated. How ridiculously WASTEFUL it would be to have every house having its own carwash and refueling station (unless by refueling you mean solar recharging, in which case, go right ahead). Also very wasteful for everyone to have their own car that goes to work... what's wrong with public transport? And moving footpaths everywhere? Come on, do we really need to be THAT lazy? It was the preoccupation back then, of having everything done for you, well it's pretty ridiculous and counterproductive when you think about it. Also, punch cards, a real sign of those times.

Individual car escalators up mountains? Yeah that has a high traffic throughput.

Why should the highways be air conditioned themselves? It's pure pie in the sky stuff. These days there's more grounded predictions that actually have a basis in reality.

It's not a case of us lacking imagination, it's a case of in 1958 people didn't understand technology at all so thought it could do Everything.

It can't.

Not yet.

Still, a fun video


It's funny how they only mention "air traffic" once. One would think that they had huge hopes for air traffic when you see how much it had developed from 1904-1958, from 0 passengers to almost 200. The B707 had it's maiden flight that year.

How much have they changed??
Speed - restricted by the sound barrier.
shape - the engines are bigger.. nose less pointy?

They still land at airports and burn kerosene.. Only thing that has changed is passenger capacity.

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