Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

"The Walt Disney Company announced that it is acquiring Lucasfilm -- the global entertainment company founded by George Lucas and the home of the legendary "Star Wars" franchise. Watch Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company Bob Iger and George Lucas, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lucasfilm, discuss the announcement." - YouTube

More info: http://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-news/press-releases/2012/10/disney-acquire-lucasfilm-ltd

After buying countless, differing versions of the original trilogy over the years, surviving the prequels, and seeing what a mess the entire franchise has become, Star Wars has long since been dead to me. After Indy 4, Lucas deserves to have his arms torn off by the proverbial Wookie.

I'm just glad he didn't have any hand in the Back to the Future movies.


>> ^VoodooV:

Disney owns Marvel AND Lucasfilm.


Not just Marvel and Lucasfilm! They also own Pixar. And ESPN. And not to mention Hyperion (they're known for something called "books"). And oh almost forgot - something called ABC! And a big chunk of Hulu.

And let's not leave out - both the Muppets AND the Might Morphin' Power Rangers! Sheesh... why not sell them DC, Star Trek and Harry Potter and just be done with it already.


>> ^Trout:

>> ^VoodooV:
Disney owns Marvel AND Lucasfilm.

Not just Marvel and Lucasfilm! They also own Pixar. And ESPN. And not to mention Hyperion (they're known for something called "books"). And oh almost forgot - something called ABC! And a big chunk of Hulu.

And let's not leave out - both the Muppets AND the Might Morphin' Power Rangers! Sheesh... why not sell them DC, Star Trek and Harry Potter and just be done with it already.

Disney bought Pixar but the deal made Steve Jobs the majority stakeholder in Disney so you might say that Pixar runs the show since then.


Dear Disney,

If you fuck this up, I will hunt you down and do inappropriate things to you all while wearing mouse ears. This is my entire childhood you are dealing with here.

Thank you for your time.



I think I'm doing OK about this.

I say good on George for makeing sure the franchise went to good hands - someone that will propagate the Star Wars brand and create lots of new stuff. That's what I've been waiting for and so have many others. I just don't think Disney would buy Lucasfims so they can run it into the ground. They are going to get as much mileage out of it as they can and it will still be around for our children's children.

I've made plans to go to DisneyWorld in three years so I'll be expecting a crapload of Star Wars related rides and STUFF


While they are reviving things can we have Dark Forces 4 or Jedi Knights 3 (whatever), Republic Commando 2 or failing that how about a new X-Wing game? Tie Fighter HD would do nicely. Get on it Disney.

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