Video captured two Montmorency County, Michigan sheriff’s deputies dealing with a Washtenaw County lieutenant who is accused of drunken driving in Montmorency County, Michigan. Washtenaw County Lt. Brian Filipak is on an administrative leave as the investigation continues. Video shows Filipak repeatedly asking to just be let go, but the Montmorency deputies weren’t having it, and at one point, told him they would use a stun gun on him if he didn’t knock it off. “Brian, I’m going to have you step out of the car and do some field sobriety tests,” an officer said.
Filipak was pulled over after deputies said they saw his car weave all over the road. “Just let me stay here,” Filipak said. He pleaded with the deputies to let him sleep it off on the side of the road, repeatedly refusing to budge from his truck. The deputy told him he had to get out of the truck now, but Filipak continued to refuse the orders and forced the deputies to pull him from his pickup truck.
newtboysays..."Any other person would be getting an RO charge"?
Any other person would be tazed, beaten, thrown to the ground, and charged with resisting and assaulting an officer.
Officers should not be allowed to refuse field sobriety tests, breathalyzers, or blood tests whenever there's the hint they may be impaired. It's a real public safety issue.
Even though they did arrest him (they had zero choice), this was just 20 minutes of handling a fellow officer with serious kid gloves. He needs to go to jail.
Mordhaussays...Many police think they shouldn't be held to the same standards as the rest of us. It's just like the flap over the Cheesecake Factory recently not seating armed Dept. of Correction officers.
It isn't a corporate policy, but the local store had a rule of no firearms. Rather than lock their guns in the trunk of their service vehicle, they pitched a fit and led to a corporate apology. They weren't even police, but correctional officers.
"Any other person would be getting an RO charge"?
Any other person would be tazed, beaten, thrown to the ground, and charged with resisting and assaulting an officer.
Officers should not be allowed to refuse field sobriety tests, breathalyzers, or blood tests whenever there's the hint they may be impaired. It's a real public safety issue.
Even though they did arrest him (they had zero choice), this was just 20 minutes of handling a fellow officer with serious kid gloves. He needs to go to jail.
This isn't the first time and the dude blew a .28 after the ride to the station and going through booking. That isn't a typo, literally over 1/4 of the blood in his body was actually alcohol. Death from alcohol poisoning can occur at .37 or higher.
The scary thing is that his tolerance must be massive, because he was still somewhat capable of speech and movement. Usually .25 to .30 level drinkers display general inertia, near total loss of motor functions, little response to stimuli, inability to stand or walk, vomiting, and incontinence.
vilsays...Mordhaus: not sure how you measure it in the USofA but my guess is it must be .28 percent, that would be 2.8 parts per thousand over here which is a good score but not quite lethal.
Mordhaussays...At .15 you would have around half a pint of alcohol in your system, so at .28 he would have around a pint of alcohol circulating in his blood. The average male has around 10 pints of blood total. My math was off obviously, as he would have 1/10th of his blood as alcohol, not 5/20.
Mordhaus: not sure how you measure it in the USofA but my guess is it must be .28 percent, that would be 2.8 parts per thousand over here which is a good score but not quite lethal.
siftbotsays...Moving this video to Mekanikal's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by Mordhaus.
Jinxsays...God, if he really had a pint of alcohol as blood then a) wow can he ever hold his liquor and b) he dead now c) explains why they were reluctant to tase him - woulda been quite a fireball.
Paybacksays...Uh... no... "Blood Alcohol Content" levels don't work that way...
He blew a B.A.C. of 0.28%, not 28%. Around a quarter of one percent of his blood was alcohol. Alcohol is THAT toxic to you, that less than half a percent can kill you.
28% is like, embalming fluid kinda shit...
His .28 is like, 2 dozen american beer or a Canadian six-pack.
I also figure he probably downed a flask to get rid of the evidence before being pulled over and that probably dropped him from "merely shitfaced" to "mortally endangered" by the time they tested him.
the dude blew a .28 after the ride to the station and going through booking. That isn't a typo, literally over 1/4 of the blood in his body was actually alcohol.
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