Daily Show Speaks About GTA IV

The Daily Show has all of the latest info on GTA and their nonviolent, umbrella-carrying players.

I looked away from the clip for a second, and when I looked back it was not immediately obvious to me that the Daily Show guy was composited onto game footage. For a second I just accepted it as the real world. In other words graphics are really getting somewhere.


Game is amazing, Graphics are top notch, they've added Digital Molecular Matter as far as I can tell for breaking wooden fences, and damaging cars, ect.

And they've got completely random things that don't add anything to gameplay, but make it that much better.

Driving down the side of the road, my friend saw the cops had pulled over a truck, were removing duffel bags from the back, and had him in the back of a cruiser.

They've also made the statue of "Happiness" Hillary Clinton, holding up a cup of coffee, and her clipboard says "Hillary Clinton" on it. If nothing else, that should please Bill'o.


Actually I think that is a shot against Mrs Clinton herself. She's one of the most avid proponents of federal regulation of the gaming industry. Basically, she wants the feds to tell you what you can and can't play..

Not that I care personally, as I'm over 21 and can play what I please... but seriously, she uses GTA games as a speaking point every chance she gets.


>> ^Lolthien:
Actually I think that is a shot against Mrs Clinton herself. She's one of the most avid proponents of federal regulation of the gaming industry. Basically, she wants the feds to tell you what you can and can't play..
Not that I care personally, as I'm over 21 and can play what I please... but seriously, she uses GTA games as a speaking point every chance she gets.

Just be glad you can play whatever you want, I'm 31 and apparently I'm not allowed to play GTA4 unedited. Yup, because Australia had NO R rating (our 18+ rating, similar to your NC17 I guess) for computer games, anything that would be rated higher than MA15+ (restricted to over 15 yr olds) is banned.

It's completely ridiculous.


>> ^spoco2:
>> ^Lolthien:
Actually I think that is a shot against Mrs Clinton herself. She's one of the most avid proponents of federal regulation of the gaming industry. Basically, she wants the feds to tell you what you can and can't play..
Not that I care personally, as I'm over 21 and can play what I please... but seriously, she uses GTA games as a speaking point every chance she gets.

Just be glad you can play whatever you want, I'm 31 and apparently I'm not allowed to play GTA4 unedited. Yup, because Australia had NO R rating (our 18+ rating, similar to your NC17 I guess) for computer games, anything that would be rated higher than MA15+ (restricted to over 15 yr olds) is banned.
It's completely ridiculous.

I call fascism on Australia.


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