Crazy Drunk Guy Charges an Elephant

Alcohol is a hell of a drug

I apologize...thank you.

To quote the poster on the other video:

"That's a lot of stupid for just one person."

I saw your killed video but the killed on the other did not register. I even watched it multiple times and compared it to this one.

In any event...I need to...grow a neuron.


No problem =)


I apologize...thank you.

To quote the poster on the other video:

"That's a lot of stupid for just one person."

I saw your killed video but the killed on the other did not register. I even watched it multiple times and compared it to this one.

In any event...I need to...grow a neuron.


hahah crazy mofo.... we just went to thailand and hung out with elephants for a day, lots of petting/feeding girl elephants but they wont even let you get near the males. The males may decide to throw you a huge rock they said, and they are very good at it.

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