Cop Lying To Obstruct Newsman From Filming

Call St John's County Sheriff Florida and demand Sgt Emmet be trained on the law and reprimanded for violating citizens rights.
Note how the story changes from "you are interfering with a criminal investigation" to "it is dangerous for you, our dog might turn around and bite you" (unintentionally admitting police dogs are a danger to the public).
Note the smirk when he's called out for interfering with the cameraman capturing the scene, because that's why he stopped him, to interfere long enough that he couldn't capture the scene, proven by the fact that he walks away once he's made the reporter miss the shot.

Fuckin' pieces of shit fuckin' obstructing him while he's fuckin' quality fuckin' reportin'. Ain't nobody confronting cops with the hope of being assaulted around here. Y'all.

Stay classy. The 80s called, they want their mullet back.


Don't sugar coat it, man.


Fuckin' pieces of shit fuckin' obstructing him while he's fuckin' quality fuckin' reportin'. Ain't nobody confronting cops with the hope of being assaulted around here. Y'all.

Stay classy. The 80s called, they want their mullet back.


I have no sympathy for people who are looking for a fight/lawsuit. Hes way too confrontational for my shit to be given. If he had been polite, but firm, and not so arrogant, I'd care.

By the way, he didn't get the shot he wanted because the sgt didn't take the bait. He was there for a confrontation, not the news.


Don't sugar coat it, man.


Why not both?
He was there for the news, but was prepared to get a confrontation because that sells. How would he know some cop would abuse their authority and lie about the law to harass him...just because two had done so before?

Remember your position the next time a cop stops you from doing your job, costing you money because he wants to and for no other reason.


He was there for a confrontation, not the news.


In a way, I think they were meant for each other. lol


Why not both?
He was there for the news, but was prepared to get a confrontation because that sells. How would he know some cop would abuse their authority and lie about the law to harass him...just because two had done so before?

Remember your position the next time a cop stops you from doing your job, costing you money because he wants to and for no other reason.


If they are legally allowed to do it, I think they should. The job is tough enough but it's also tougher on the public when police make wrong decisions either inadvertently or deliberately. In both cases it helps to record the event when possible. News crews do have limits on how close they can get to scene before overstepping their bounds.


Like the police don't have enough of a tough job, now they have douche-reporter chasing them around and getting in the way.


With the constant flow of proof that cops lie, cheat, and steal daily, and the complicit nature of their superiors allowing them to hide the proof of their crimes, they have forced society into requiring douche reporters chasing the douche cops to capture independent proof of their criminal behavior....proof they can't erase or deny exists.
Notice how easily this douche cop comes up with multiple lies to detain the videographer, intentionally interfering with his job, to protect his cohorts ability to lie to citizens without a record, because undoubtedly all their body cams are turned off.
Also notice how, when those body cams are replaced secretly with cams that only appear to turn off, but keep recording, they consistently capture abuse of power if not outright falsification of charges, like the one just caught framing over 120 for drug possession in a single year.

Cops have made their own job tougher by insisting on being able to legally lie, and being a cadre of criminal liars who think they're above the law, and are all too often right about that thanks to apologists and those willing to turn a blind eye.


Like the police don't have enough of a tough job, now they have douche-reporter chasing them around and getting in the way.


Meh, Newt is off the deep end but I fully support the recording of all police activity. Douche-reporters getting in the way of police activity are a danger to everyone involved.

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