Child's Invention Defies Gravity

Via: Neatorama

Too bad most American children wouldn't think to invent such a thing, 'cause they wouldn't be able to make it work for their weight.

Damn American food culture! Europeans might be crazy but we're still healthier.

EDIT: Geez sensitivity issues lol. I grew up in the States, I was telling what I experienced. Most of the kids I knew just wouldn't have had the creativity needed for stuff like this, because they learned early on what they were limited to by permissions, knowledge, and bad experiences ( such as just plain old being made fun of for any differences from the ideal, such as being overweight, and having low self-esteem ). I in no way promote discrimination of people that aren't stick thin, I find the beauty values of the industrial world pretty disgusting. Health comes first, end of story.

Lack of creativity ( this is NOT the child's fault - it's the way society doesn't stimulate and shelters them that gets in the way ) is bad here in Finland too. It's just not as limited to plastic, ready made toys and video games, and just add water meals. I wasn't poking fun at Americans, I was stating a sad truth that should be worked on.

If you wanna downvote this comment, then I say calm down a bit and think of something fun and stimulating you could do with kids you know instead of getting angry when someone points out that the world isn't perfect even in ways you don't want to think about- especially when it comes down to each individual. Change it when you can, don't get angry at someone that points it out. Doesn't improve the world in any way whatsoever, and that's what we really need right now. I'm not the enemy and I am not attacking you or anyone, I'm pointing out something that is an issue and does get in the way of so many things people don't even bother to think of. It's no one's fault, but if you want it to be it can be your responsibility to make the world that much better by putting some understanding in a kid's heart. Then the potential of every individual would be brought out.


... kids would think it's real and try it for themselves, only to be disappointed and come to realization that everything they percieve in the world is a lie.

From that day forth the kid will never trust anyone else's opinion and will never experiment with new things, keeping things only that are familiar and safe.

Henceforth American children will become more conservative and take less chances. Leaving them technologically behind compared to the rest of the world. Eventually when the thrify Sri Lankans come to take over the world from their water drop of an island, America will be outgunned and out matched, henceforth the end of the republic.

And when that day comes, people will take of this day. The day they saw this commercial, which started it all.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'kid, invention, octopuss, suction cups, tires, wall, bike, bicycle' to 'kid, invention, octopus, suction cups, tires, wall, bike, bicycle' - edited by calvados


I'm not going to upvote this. Why conflate fantasy with engineering? This is celebrating ignorance. Oh look he had this cute but terrible idea. I guess the ad guys thought it would be cute and Harry-Potter-esque to do something like this. The people who make this fail at creativity since they couldn't come up with something real.

Here's something I came up with in 5 seconds -- A lego mindstorm robot which uses a sensor to keep your dog's water bowl at a certain level. There's probably a way to do it with most of the sensors. The accelerometer could detect when a floating lever has been tilted over, for instance, and then open a tap from a much larger container.


>> ^Tiver:
As fake as it is, it would have been so much more believable if they didn't have him riding perpendicular to the ground.

Or upside-down.

The point was not to fool people into believing it was real, but give you that one second child-like "Whoa! Really?!" like you may have experienced as a kid when someone told you the hoverboards from Back to the Future are real.

It's clear purpose is for kids to get excited about submitting inventions, and this sure is a good way to get their attention.

I wonder about anyone who actually gets upset and downvotes upon realizing you can't ride a bike on a wall with suction cup tires. It seemed cute and funny to me.

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