Chav Gets Arrested and Maced


I don't think the pepper spray was too much (doubt it was CS gas). I can't believe he basically maced the other cop.. usually everyone backs the hell up. How the heck was this scrawny kid overpowering two good-sized cops? It gets real dangerous for everyone once cops start wrestling with someone.

Are Neil and Chav famous, or is this just a version of Cops (tv-show)


Good Neil.

I just felt really sorry for his child. If i was his age, and a saw my dad being forced to the ground, manhandled and maced, i would be shocked/upset. I'm not saying the police did wrong in this, i just really felt for the kid.


It's pretty hard work getting control of someones hands, Joe, if they really don't want you to get a hold of them. They're also trying not to hurt the guy too bad, which'll makes it a bit trickier.


If it is illegal for citizens, does that mean the cops can't have it. Like assualt weapons, etc. So if not pepper spray, what is it?

Section 5(1) (b) of the firearms act 1968 prohibits any weapon of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other thing. Bouncer Spray does not contain any substance deemed to be noxious in a court of law within the UK and the tin itself is not designed to discharge a noxious substance.
It is not prohibited by this law and does not fall within the control of firearms legislation making it legal.


Basically yeah, chav means wigger gangsta idiot, it's not the name of the guy arrested (well, maybe it is). It's nice to see some justified police brutality on here, that guy got what he deserved. I think Neil (assume that is the other guy) did the right thing not getting involved, the only thing is that he should have got the child out of there. What's with the camera? Is this a TV show, or was there someone near by hoping to get some valuable footage? The quality is a bit too good for a video phone.

I think the bald copper will be having words with his partner on spray usage

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