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Lannsays...Kitty gets it's pilates and it's drink on all at once.
dystopianfuturetodaysays...Teaser for the new film, 'Feline Centipede'.
dagsays...Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
I wonder what would cause behaviour like that?
thyazidesays...Its similar to the way that dogs will wag their legs if you scratch them on the belly, the cat is used to having its hind legs in that position when its head is that low to the ground. The leg automatically jumps up over its head.
jimnmssays...I had a cat that would scoop up the water in her paw and drink it.
Kreegathsays...Looks just like how cats bend their bodies to lick their own behinds. Maybe this cat just figured that since it worked great in that regard, why not extend its use to water drinking as well?
Retroboysays...Obvious answer: it's vodka.
littledragon_79says...uh, *wtf
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Wtf) - requested by littledragon_79.
TheFreaksays...>> ^dag:
I wonder what would cause behaviour like that?
Obvious showboating.
Napalmsays...>> ^dag:
I wonder what would cause behaviour like that?
Cat's are stupid.
Also most of the time they're drunk.
dannym3141says...Protecting its exposed neck, perhaps?
mizilasays...0:00 - 0:20 = What is this? I don't even...
0:21 = Ahhh, whaaa?
rottenseedsays...The answer to why it does that is because it only drinks water right after it's licking its own ass. Hence why the leg is up.
chicchoreasays...Errrrr...tail chaser.
Orrrrr...tail with a chaser?
At least...not straight up with rocks.
If this is a longevity secret, I'm out of luck as well as philosophically disinclined.
SWBStXsays...I know this expression is usually just a figure of speech but I literally couldn't tell one end from the other at the beginning of that video. Makes my girlfriend's crazy cat seem lots less crazy...
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