Canadian Protestors Swarm Toronto Police Department

Protest over Sammy Tatim, the 18-year-old who was shot by police in Toronto. Article:

Gets good around 4:11 when one protestor engages each officer one-by-one and empathizes their shortcomings.

The article linked in the description notes that the video includes officers demanding the deceased drop a knife before shots are fired. No followup though on whether or not a knife was involved or not? Anyone know more?


A couple of things,
1) Police managing protestors, doing it right.
2) If there to cover the protest, cover the protest, don't antagonize the police. If you see the other camera working, they're getting in, getting their shot and then getting out.
3) If you've seen the video, it doesn't look good and people have a right to be angry. How TO police have been handling mental illness in people has been degrading for the past couple of years, they need to be retrained.
4) Let the investigation finish before we starting getting angry. Once we get the answers and facts, then let's react. Given all the videos looks like an officer lost his nerve and responded with a ridiculous amount of force. I hope he gets prosecuted and the system works in favour of justice.

I feel bad for the family of Sammy, I feel bad for the officer involved. It's a terrible thing that's happened to the city. What i can say is, let the investigation finish. Once we have answers then we can pursue the legal action that will probably be required.

The guy in this video was just being an agitator, shame on him for exploiting a protest to stick it to some cops.


Fuck that, shame on the murdering fucking cops. Hang'em High!


A couple of things,
1) Police managing protestors, doing it right.
2) If there to cover the protest, cover the protest, don't antagonize the police. If you see the other camera working, they're getting in, getting their shot and then getting out.
3) If you've seen the video, it doesn't look good and people have a right to be angry. How TO police have been handling mental illness in people has been degrading for the past couple of years, they need to be retrained.
4) Let the investigation finish before we starting getting angry. Once we get the answers and facts, then let's react. Given all the videos looks like an officer lost his nerve and responded with a ridiculous amount of force. I hope he gets prosecuted and the system works in favour of justice.

I feel bad for the family of Sammy, I feel bad for the officer involved. It's a terrible thing that's happened to the city. What i can say is, let the investigation finish. Once we have answers then we can pursue the legal action that will probably be required.

The guy in this video was just being an agitator, shame on him for exploiting a protest to stick it to some cops.


What's the better solution here? The guy was obviously pacing and holding a knife in a severely confined space. The non-lethal option, Tazing, has been a controversy on the sift since I started coming to the site.

Two options remain, allow him to hurt himself or others by allowing him to just stay with the knife, or charge him and risk a wound, or a potential fatal wound on one or more officers.

It's a shitty fucking situation, I don't know why the kid was brandishing a knife in the first place, but he had it drawn for a reason, and it likely wasn't to get the gunk out from under his fingernails.


Fuck that, shame on the murdering fucking cops. Hang'em High!


Guns over Non-Lethal? You think you're going to win with that? Sorry but shooting someone because they're a danger to themselves, No doesn't fly. Shooting someone because they're a danger to others flies, if they're actually showing an intent to harm other people.

Shooting someone because they're endangering a cops life? Nope Nuh uh that's not how it works. Cops swear an oath to serve and protect, that means they put themselves UNDER everyone elses life in their district. So they risk being shot and stabbed and exhaust every option in order to stop someone without murdering them out of fear that they'll be hurt. They don't like it they don't have to take the job.

You don't just get to shoot people ever, not when they're not an immediate threat and not when you have options to take them down in non-lethal ways.

As far as the sifts opinion, we wouldn't give a fuck if they tazed a guy to the ground who had a knife in his hand. We get pissed when the people who get tazed are helpless, like that old grandma in a wheel chair.

The cop fucked up, and that crowd fucked up by not storming that building and killing all who stood in front of them. Only Murder will fix this situation now!


What's the better solution here? The guy was obviously pacing and holding a knife in a severely confined space. The non-lethal option, Tazing, has been a controversy on the sift since I started coming to the site.

Two options remain, allow him to hurt himself or others by allowing him to just stay with the knife, or charge him and risk a wound and or fatality of one or more officers.

It's a shitty fucking situation, I don't know why the kid was brandishing a knife in the first place, but he had it drawn for a reason, and it likely wasn't to get the gunk out from under his fingernails.


Thing that creeps me out is the yelling then 3 pop pop pop then about a 3 second pause then 6 more pops, why the pause? why only one cop shooting?

Obviously disturbed man ALONE on a streetcar, confined. They could have used riot sheilds,I saw cops take a sword weilding guy down with a ladder and water cannon. They could have used tear gas, waited him out, non-lethal rubber rounds......shooting someone is the LAST option, this cop jumped the gun. (no pun intended)



the guy was tazed after he had been shot at least three times potentially more. It looks like the cop lost his cool and opened up. To me, that's not right and it does constitute manslaugher/murder. Like I said; however, lets wait for the investigation to finish. Let's get some facts and information before we pass judgement based on some videos.

Let's not forget, the same police for who shot that kid was also the same police force who dealt with a knife wielding maniac like this:

Let the investigation finish before we start calling for blood.


Also look up the last famous incident of a guy wielding a knife on a bus in Canada. Only a couple of years ago a guy used a knife to cut off another passengers head. He then stayed in the bus, surrounded by police for several hours, even chewing on the corpse a bit while the police watched without shooting him. The police force was able to take him into custody essentially unharmed for the justice system to serve justice. He was not convicted of manslaughter, but was instead found not criminally responsible for the murder because of mental illness. He is already receiving supervised walks and excursions in public.

The Canadian public has been shouting ever since that incident that a great many would much rather seen the killer shot on that bus, as happened in Toronto here. There is a lot more back story to this and public debate within Canada on just how to handle violent offenders.

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