Bus Driver vs. Kid

This is surveillance footage from a bus dated 05/17/05.

The bus driver struck the kid from the right side of the video with only language provocation. They may be little shits but this temperamental driver needs to have his ass fired. He lacks self control needed for the job.


But man are these kids little rats or what? Suggest the driver put them all in a burlap sack and leave them on the side of the road. If that kid on the right side of the video was mine I'd ground his ass for three months and donate his Playstation, skateboard and bong to Salvation Army.


Marinara: what on earth are you typing about? This is clearly wrong (hence, why I guess; DotDude posted this): anyone hitting a child (especially someone else's) is crazy. It's actually illegal to hit a child (your own or anyones) in the UK...although you guys are a little crazy with law in the US anyway!


Deathcow, not the bong man, c'mon-check out the kid at :58 after the radio doris asks for a response from the driver-the kid's first impulse is to pick it up and answer-Cows' right, them hooligans were born in the same county the driver came from probly'-anytown U S A


Steel, I know some former WW2 SAS operatives. They may be 80 years old but they are the hardest men I have ever known in my life. I would hate to face them now much less in their prime.

The driver should have followed normal procedure, which is to stop the bus and wait for police/deputies or threaten the kids to be good with discipline referrals. (I was a problem child during my school bus days...) The driver should never go to the back unless he is stopping a fight. The driver took it too far and as I remember it, got sacked. (Cool Brit term thats much better than fired!) The little kids were being shits, but thats to be expected.


steelmonkey: what's a scientific fact? And whatever it is, whats the science behind it? Also, what's the hyperlinks to support the source of this science?

Let's not confuse opinion with somekind of science: Intelligent Design is there for that sole purpose alone! (A reference to many of the 'scientific'/historical/political factors which inform the decision of my joke and opinion!)

I hope you were joking with that comment (your first of four) - and could you at least type in english , text language belongs on a 12 key mobile phone not a full computer keyboard!


These shits could easily be the kids in my neighborhood who are openly defiant, foul mouthed and disrespectful. But they are just mini versions of their parents. I can only hope that somebody will come into their life that will teach them other ways to deal with conflict. And that goes for the bus driver too!


I'll side with iwanna on this one. Parents who exersice a lack of disipline and a lack of common respect breed these little monsters. And angry people wonder why they get arrested for disorderly conduct when theymouth off to the police.


Seriously, and I wont go too much into it... but not hitting kids makes them little bitches that whine about everything, think they deserve the world and are disrespectful emo "omg the world hates me because mom won't buy me Socom so I cut my self in front of hot topic".

If you love your kids, beat them.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Although I'm not against corporal punishment per se - I think it's a simplistic answer, usually put forth by people without kids.

The real answer is parents that take an active role in shaping the character of their children. Instead of leaving it to the TV, the Xbox and assorted friends. Schools are a "Lord of the Flies" kind of setting that breed violence and contempt.

Violence begets violence. Swatting your kids teaches them that it's an appropriate way to solve disputes.

What these boys really need is a dad who will spend the time, give them self confidence where they need it, and gently shape their testosterone fueled fugues.


sad thinking, archchef ... i happen to have two children who have never received a punishment at my, nor my husband's, hands. funny ... they aren't 'little bitches' either. we're strict parents who impose realistic consequences when the rules aren't followed. they are loved, praised, encouraged, etc ... children learn what they live.

those kids on the bus were misbehaving ... that does not ever give ANYONE the right to put a hand on them. there is always a solution which does not include physically hurting someone. If violence is your answer then you obviously still have some evolving to do.


My kids rode the bus for appoximately 3 months last school year. They were constantly attacked by other kids and the bus driver was appathetic.

Soon after that I took a part time job in the elementary school as an assistant. It was an eye opener. The lack of discipline is sad. So much time is wasted and very little learning happens.

We pulled our children out of the system and I homeschool them now.


I still disagree. Do I think violence is the solution to everything? Of course not. Do I think this new age mumbo jumbo "discipline" methods of "Time Out" "Quiet Time" or "Go to your room" work, HELL NO. I see it all the time. Kids going to restaurants and screaming and running around while the parents stare helplessly on with "Behave or you wont get any (insert something retarded to take away)". That may work, sadly none of these new age cuddle your kids parents ever follow through on that. They are too busy with their own crap to spend any time making sure their child isn't spoiled. They throw money at the problem hopeing to have a video game or a tv set or a new toy babysit the child so they wont have to.

Growing up I came from a tough love family. Bad grades? Spanked. Made a scene at a store crying I wanted something? Got home, spanked. Refused to eat something without trying it. Didn't eat anything at all.

Parents need to pay more attention to their children but they need to set boundaries with real consequances. If the child sees that "mom says don;t do it but I do it anyways nothing happens" they will NOT respect you, and that is a fact. Heck thanks to Reality TV now a days you can see the abominations people call children now - a - days.

Of course there is a very distinct line between beating a child and punishing one. I of course don't condone beating any child, nor any one hitting some one else's (the bus driver) I merely think that like fire teaching a child not to stick their hand on the stove, a simple smack when they are playing with the ming vase will keep the child at bay.

I of course don't have children, and I know my view on them will totally change once I do. I know no matter what I will love my children, but if they ever are disrespectful and obnoxious little pricks, you better believe the boot is going their way.


I'd like to chide in and say the following, I did a child sociology course and they said that it wasn't really the beatings or not that creates discipline but rather direct imposition of limits of the childs behaviour. The terrible twos are there because the child has learned to communicate and will now try to see the barriers of his behaviour. Not allowing the kid to feel like he got away with it is important. Because he would only realize he could do far worse and still get away with it.

My parents personally used a form of psychological warfare that is far more effective and damaging then any side ways swipe I could have got.


Heh - they have seatbelts on those buses? He called for a deputy? Wow. I'm going to give this the black mark of *politics because I broadly interpret that to include Law & Order videos; and something involving the dark underbelly of the educational system probably involves it too. The tag is doubly applicable to part of the comment discussion too - actually it's not a very broad interpretation at all, now that I've given it some thought.

Speaking of disciplining kids, I had to sift up this one... oh wait, dotdude also sifted it - damn he's on top of things!



I don't know about you guys but when i was in school corporal punishment was still used, and that was 2 years ago in high school. I agree, the bus driver acted out of his bounds.


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[Krupo takes a deep breath.]

No wait, I don't need to do that when typing in invocations. But this is the first of many unless someone conveniently pops them in for me. Not all in this playlist are appropriate though.

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