British vs American News Anchors

Charlie Brooker looks at the differences between news 'personalities' from both sides of the pond.

I can't decide if Glenn Beck is just a complete and total fraud, playing for the camera; or if he truly is that bat-shit crazy, or he could be both.

Either way represents exactly what is wrong with Conservative Americans.


I think Beck is very calculating and just looks at it as a career move.

Worse things were happening under Bush/Cheney and he never said a word, defended them in fact. He and all of the other right-wing blabber mouths are nothing but glorified bootlickers.


Maybe I should take the Cthulhu ornament off the back of my car. I see the looks on people's faces when they tailgate me; thinking to themselves that they "fear for their country", no doubt. Well, you know what, maybe they should fear for their country...

Yes, they should fear, for one day they'll be picnicking nearby a quiet forest as Shub Niggurath, the black goat of the woods with a thousand young, descends upon them, rending their flesh from bone to feed the coming of our master. OH GODS! AAAAAAAAAA-AAAAA-AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!


The piece opened up specifically talking about "news networks" whose "anchors" personality matters more than ever, and then proceeded to talk about all kinds of news commentators of every sort. Are even reporters losing the ability to discern the difference between a news anchor and a commentator?

And why not *music? I heard "Superstition" et. al.

And, yes, Virginia, maybe someone did piss on my cornflakes.


And why not music? I heard "Superstition" et. al.
And, yes, Virginia, maybe someone did piss on my cornflakes.

It was established awhile back that just because a video has background music in it does not automatically mean it should be in the music channel, i.e,. if the music is not primary to the vid and you can't really enjoy the tune as it was meant to be enjoyed, e.g. because there's a staccato voiceover. But I'm not going to get into a channel-editing war over this, it'd be like arguing on the internet / Special Olympics / etc etc.


Is this Yahtzee from zero punctuation review fame? It sounds like it.

Nope, he's not wearing a hat, and he's clean shaven. Also, he sounds nothing like Yahtzee, except that he has an accent. And it's not even the same accent.

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