Brilliant Young Stand-Up Comedian Daniel Sloss

Absolutely love this guy, at 20 years old he's got an amazing future ahead of him if he can be this funny now. Definitely one to watch

The way he incorrectly says "woman" instead of "women" annoys me more than it should.

Apart from that though, an impressive and confident routine.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Good stuff. The part about the "most beautiful woman in the world" sounded really familiar though. Marc Maron has me paranoid about joke stealing.


Shakespeare once said that there isnt anything new under the sun. So considering this young person had a thought that somebody else had, isnt surprising.


The funniest girl routine wasn't that amusing for me but because he is naturally funny and confident he sells it. I'm very impressed. Reminds me of what Russell Howard might be like if he was funny.


Actually, I'm pretty sure the book of Ecclesiastes said there is nothing new under the sun long before Shakespeare did. Though I guess that sorta proves the point. >> ^undefined:

Shakespeare once said that there isnt anything new under the sun. So considering this young person had a thought that somebody else had, isnt surprising.


>> ^undefined:

Dunno, didn't really like this.. it's a bit ... mm.. easy listening?

Well a 5 minute spot in a a show hosted by Jason Manford who isn't exactly Bill Hicks is not conducive to dark, edgy comedy.
Still he's funny and pretty accomplished for a youngster.


>> ^undefined:
Good stuff. The part about the "most beautiful woman in the world" sounded really familiar though. Marc Maron has me paranoid about joke stealing.

welcome to my world! You know how annoying it is when you notice stolen jokes and either you can't remember the origin or if you can, nobody gives a shit? I've heard that "look like a lesbian" bit on separate occasions as well.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'daniel s loss, jason manford, comedy rocks, stand up' to 'daniel sloss, jason manford, comedy rocks, stand up' - edited by xxovercastxx


>> ^undefined:

>> ^undefined:
Good stuff. The part about the "most beautiful woman in the world" sounded really familiar though. Marc Maron has me paranoid about joke stealing.

welcome to my world! You know how annoying it is when you notice stolen jokes and either you can't remember the origin or if you can, nobody gives a shit? I've heard that "look like a lesbian" bit on separate occasions as well.

I kind of think we're getting confused with actually stealing someone's joke and touching on the same subjects.


>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^undefined:
Good stuff. The part about the "most beautiful woman in the world" sounded really familiar though. Marc Maron has me paranoid about joke stealing.

welcome to my world! You know how annoying it is when you notice stolen jokes and either you can't remember the origin or if you can, nobody gives a shit? I've heard that "look like a lesbian" bit on separate occasions as well.

I do goddamn believe this is what you're talking about:

This guy is not terrible, but brilliant? Gervais is brilliant. This guy? Nah.


>> ^blankfist:

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^undefined:
Good stuff. The part about the "most beautiful woman in the world" sounded really familiar though. Marc Maron has me paranoid about joke stealing.

welcome to my world! You know how annoying it is when you notice stolen jokes and either you can't remember the origin or if you can, nobody gives a shit? I've heard that "look like a lesbian" bit on separate occasions as well.

I do goddamn believe this is what you're talking about:
This guy is not terrible, but brilliant? Gervais is brilliant. This guy? Nah.

Gervais is outstanding, so are most of the comedians I love so much. To me this guy is just starting out, and he's brilliant. And thanks for the promote blanky


Tags for this video have been changed from 'daniel sloss, jason manford, comedy rocks, stand up' to 'daniel sloss, jason manford, comedy rocks, stand up, i bloody would' - edited by calvados

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