Boston Explosion at Marathon Finish Line


Looks improvised alla home-made, yah? Whaddya wanna bet they find out it was some kid who cooked-up a recipe from the net, and suddenly bills are argued in the senate which household chemicals should be on a newly-revised, DOJ/ATF list of shit people can't be responsible with...OH, or they blame it on terrrrrist or a half-dozen take responsibility for it before a story can be spun-Real News, All TheTime.


This story is very weird. What kind of terrorist would use such small bombs and time them for long after the winners had crossed the finish line. I'm with Chingalera on this one. Probably home grown amateur nutjob.


our Lincoln Marathon is in a few weeks. I imagine a huge knee-jerk reaction and an overkill of security and paranoia will be the result. Almost makes me glad I took this year off.


I'm just pissed more than anything. I'm sick and tired of how this will make people even more scared and insecure and drive people to do even more stupid things.

I'm sick of how social media is blowing up right now. Every fucking celebrity and business rushing to make their false sympathy status updates and tweets. Guess what. the victims and their family/loved ones don't give a shit if Company X or Celebrity Y sends out their thoughts and prayers. They're too busy dealing with *real* things right now.

Not even an hour after the explosions and I'm already seeing the black ribbon pictures and all these logos designed to associate an image with this event. Seriously..who does that? "Ut oh, some people got killed. Time to make a new black ribbon logo or iconic image to represent the tragedy!!"

Every fucking tragedy that's been going on lately it just feels like we're going through the motions. It's like fucking routine now. It seems like we're used to it.

I've got tragedy fatigue.


one might ask what sort of crowd would be sitting in front of a posh Boston hotel watching the end of the marathon...and consider the possibility that an episode of class warfare has just occurred.

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