Bachmann: Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh's 2% Are Critical Mass


Looks like she was 'conditioned' by the same people in A Clockwork Orange. A side effect is that permanent bat shit eye-gaze caused by forcing one's eyes open after watching 5000 hours or republican/religious propaganda laced with repeated showings of doomsday/dogma films.

I'd label her a "True God Fearing" American. Just the type we want to have with the keys to an arsenal that could very well bring about a doomsday scenario. How does the saying go? Seek and ye shall find? What it effectively means is... if you want an end of days badly enough, subconsciously you will strive to bring it about.

The fanatically religious aren't known for self preservation. On the contrary. The larger the blaze of glory they go out in, the higher their rank will be in the so-called afterlife. What a joke.


Wasn't going to upvote this crazy woman until I got a chuckle out of the irony of her last two sentences:

1. That's the direction the critical mass is going (in reference to the 2%).
2. The American people are very smart people.

Unlike you, Ms. Bachmann. Unlike you.


Listed three 'gentleman' (I use that term loosy regarding whom we are talking about), whom are the most irresponsible individuals. Then again, one trait that I find extremely typical in republicans these days, is irresponsiblity. Or, the wanting/craving of not being held accountable for their actions/words.

Even after any of these three persons are found to be wrong. Even after the truth and facts are reported and verified. These three will contiune to speak like none of the truth and facts, saw the light of day.

More so, none of these three ever have to face being accountantible for their words and actions. I think we are all still waiting on Mr. Hannity's waterboarding stunt from a few months ago. Or for Mr. Beck to arrive at some rational conclusion based entirely on facts. I doubt we will ever see Mr. Limbaugh hold himself to his own standard (you know, the ones he rails Democrats on, on a daily basis).

Funny how, if the elected person in office doesn't do as we want, we have the option of voting them out, and getting someone else. Or, if the person reports to an elected offical, we can hold the offical accountible until correct action is taken. But Mr. Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh, exist out of being held responible for their actions. But do not often hold republicans (or each other for that matter), to the same degree? Can you say 'Double Standard'? I know you can.


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In that thumbnail picture you really can see the "bat-shit" crazy in her eyes.

It has just occurred to me that the ratings increases she's talking about are caused entirely by people trying to snag some juicy clip of hypocrisy or insanity that they can post here.


Not enough context... what's 2% ? Surely he doesn't mean Limbaugh, Beck, and Hannity's audience?
Only 2% of Americans listen regularly to their shows? Where is all this noise coming from then?

No way... even if I found out only 1% of Americans watch Jon Stewart, that would still be the best news I've heard all year.


Those shows are so popular because they provide rationalizations for the pervasive cognative dissonance that is necessary to support many conservative positions (not all of them, some are quite justified). Ideas like pro-life and death penalty, religious charity obligations and anti-welfare or health care reform, or religion and gun advocacy, are all contradictory stances which need regular reinforcing rationalizations in order to sooth the anxiety that is produced by ignoring or denying their own logical fallacies.

My theory is that the popularity of these shows is directly proportional to the unsustainable nature of their positions.


Then again, one trait that I find extremely typical in republicans these days, is irresponsiblity.

As opposed to all the fantastic 'responsibility' we see from Democrats like Pelosi, Barney Frank, Ried, and Obama - right? Leave us have no illusions this is a 'Republican' problem. This is a GOVERNMENT problem. The government class has gotten out of hand and they're all running around like a bunch of tinpot dictators. I'm far less concerned over the antics of private citizens - however oriented - than I am about government irresponsibility.


I cannot believe how much mainstream press and influence this 2% of the public is getting. It is like rival news networks are trying to lend credence to this so-called grass roots movement that fox is organizing and sponsoring. Why would they do that? Couldn't have anything to do with a few big corporations all wanting the same thing public policy wise, could it?


Ideas like pro-life and death penalty, religious charity obligations and anti-welfare or health care reform, or religion and gun advocacy, are all contradictory stances which need regular reinforcing rationalizations.

The only contradiction that exists is actually a cognitive dissonance that exists exclusively in the minds of extremists who oppose conservative stances. It is perfectly rational to support punishment and justice of guilty adults, while defending the right to life for the most innocent of all humanity. It is also rational to support private charitable donations, while opposing the dole of government largesse. The only so-called 'contradiction' exists when individuals look at the issues only through the simplistic, biased filter of exclusively left-wing groupthink.

I cannot believe how much mainstream press and influence this 2% of the public is getting.

It is quite simple. You should understand it well. It is not just '2%' that are opposed to Obama and his policies. Over 58% of the country opposes his and his policies now. He has lost a huge amount of ground among independants and unaffiliated voters - and not because of Limbaugh or Beck. Guys like that are only sounding boards. They would not be getting any traction if the general sentiment of the country was not being echoed in what they were saying. It is not Limbaugh/Beck that are 'driving' the country. Limbaugh and Beck are merely echoing what the majority of Americans are feeling.

People are far more concerned about jobs, finances, and debt than they are this stupid 'Health Care' bull, or any number of Obama's other political goals. Government spent almost a trillion to create jobs, and unemployment has instead RISEN every month since the Welfare Bill was passed. And Obama wants to nationalize 30% of the economy. AND he wants to make energy more expensive. AND he wants another 'stimulus' bill. This at a time when China is not wanting to buy our debt any more, and the nations are seriously wondering whether they want to ditch the dollar.

And you guys want to blame Limbaugh & Beck for why Obama is dropping in popularity? Obama has no one to blame but himself.


"...exists exclusively in the minds of extremists who oppose conservative stances."

So, anyone who opposes the conservative stance, MUST be an extremists? Wow, what logic you have Winston...

"It is perfectly rational to support punishment and justice of guilty adults..."

So if that's true, your FOR Mr. Bush being executed for lying to the USA over any number of issues that effected us from 2000-2008? Like those WMD's in Iraq? I doubt it, Winston. Your for punishment and justice, so long as the guilty parties are liberal and/or Democrat.

"...while defending the right to life for the most innocent of all humanity."

Yes, under 'conservative values', we created two major war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. Put tens of thousands to the sword, including those whom carried child not born. All in the name of 'Defending Truth, Justice, and the American way!" You call wars (yes, plural) 'defending the right to life'?

"The only so-called 'contradiction' exists when individuals look at the issues only through the simplistic, biased filter of exclusively left-wing groupthink."

Oh yes, because RIGHT-wing groupthink can not exist in reality. I think the video above, Winston, blows your arguement out of the water.

"Over 58% of the country opposes..."

Where does this statistic come from exactly? Yes, please publish the source. Otherwise, I will publish the correct percentage of the USA, who opposes the current president. Not surprisingly, this number, just happens to be the same as those who voted for Mr. McCain in 2008. Coindence?

"It is not Limbaugh/Beck that are 'driving' the country. Limbaugh and Beck are merely echoing what the majority of Americans are feeling."

Fortunately for the MAJORITY of Americans (since the majority voted for the DEMOCRAT, and Democrats won, a good portion of the House and Senate), you are quite incorrect, Winston. Beck/Limbaugh simply dumb-down the information to small bites to conservatives. This is due, mostly in part that most conversatives really do not have much of a solid education on topics like 'health care', 'economics', 'law', 'biotechnology', 'energy conservation', and 'wisdom'. They do not really think their audience could handle a serious conversation on any of these topics (and they are right...sadly). The conservative talk shows matra is to use small sound bites, rather then lengthy concepts that require someone to ponder on the merits. Go listen to NPR when it talks about an arguement currently effecting the USA. The average conservative would switch the channel, as the arguements 'for' and 'against', quickly out paced their educational level (note: this has nothing to do with one's education level, i.e. bacholers of Science, Masters, or Ph.D.).

Yes, Mr. Obama, does not speak to conservatives this way. He believes, through being intelligent, educated, and patient, he can reach their more noble side. But as evidence has shown us, conservatives really dont have a noble side (as we saw with town hall meeting this summer). He speaks in a way, most conservatives can not understand on their own (with exceptions, like, well, you). Conservative talk shows, Mr. Beck, Mr. Hannity, and Mr. Limbaugh, then take what the president said, change it in to something vile, and then, dumb down the information to dispense to conservatives.

It REALLY happens that way, Winston. I hate to be the one, to tell you, the God's honest truth. And yes, there are liberals, whom are quite fantical and ignore sound wisdom, to promote the president's concepts and goals without thought. Fortunately, they are a smaller number, then there are 'thinking' and 'wise' conservatives in the USA.

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