BCS Mower vs Scythe

yT "Jim McVittae was the petrolhead mowing with a powered finger bar scythe against the most humble of tools, the scythe. Trouble was he used too high a gear and panicked. Each strip of grass was double the width of the BCS power scythe."

Thing is, with a scythe you need the grass to be high like that. It's much harder to cut a lawn with a scythe because the grass simply must be a certain height.

Which in a neighborhood like mine means you will have nice neighbors banging on your door telling you to get your grass cut because it is too high. I guess you COULD use the scythe to dissuade them, but I don't know how the local authorities would feel about that.


you sure about that? I used to scythe for fun when I was growing up (quite some time ago) and I don't remember having any particular difficulty cutting the grass at whatever height it was, as long as you are able to keep the scythe parallel to the ground (which is not as easy as it looks, my dad made fun of me all the time when I snagged it) you can cut it no problem as far as I can remember at least


Thing is, with a scythe you need the grass to be high like that. It's much harder to cut a lawn with a scythe because the grass simply must be a certain height.

Which in a neighborhood like mine means you will have nice neighbors banging on your door telling you to get your grass cut because it is too high. I guess you COULD use the scythe to dissuade them, but I don't know how the local authorities would feel about that.

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