Atheist Billboards in Colorado


Oh, your god. I get a more fucked up view of the US every time I see something like this. This would NEVER be an issue in Europe, not in any part I know of that is. Noone would even bother putting up one of those billboards, because we don't need them. Most people here are rational and can think for themselves anyway and would not ever believe in a "higher power".
And I think the message is wrong, it should say: "Don't believe in A god." not just 'god'.


Man, that's so offensive, how dare those atheists!

Anyone from the south where they have "Bible Boards", billboards that have lines of scripture on them, or ones that have place holders that say "Go to the church of your choice, ...but GO!" Atheist boards would be burned down down here.


People who are addicted to the idea of eternal life, and who think people only behave morally because of the threat of divine retribution or reward, sometimes take any suggestion that god might not exist as a threat to their existence.


The sign in the Colorado Billboard merely acknowledged the existence of atheists, and anybody who has a problem with that is as bigoted as this woman.

What a load of bigoted bullshit, to exploit people's fear and ignorance and insinuate the evil presumption that morality consists only in doing the will of a tyrant, whatsoever that will directs.

"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." -- Albert Einstein.


It will matter if i catch him playing with my gun again like that! He'll wish there was a god. heh heh.

>> ^brain:
I love how they can't even refer to god possibly not existing, without bringing on christians to reassure themselves there is "plenty of evidence" for god.
I've seen a really offensive anti-atheist billboard paid by It's here:
I guess that doesn't deserve any media attention?


>> ^brain:
I've seen a really offensive anti-atheist billboard paid by It's here:

I've seen that one. We also have some that have JESUS in bold yellow written across it with "is he in you?" and some bible verse written across it with at the bottom corner. I'm sure people have time to read that bible verse going 70MPH on the highway, and judging by the hit counter on their website, not many do.


Firstly that income tax thing has to be the WORST proof of the existence of god EVER.

Secondly, outside many, many churches here in Australia they have signs where they change the message every few weeks, and they always say some really bad pun or horrendous preachy thing in regards to getting Jesus or God into your life.

Do I complain? No... I don't like them much, I'd prefer they didn't preach like that at us, but also I find them funny and laugh at them because they in no way threaten my lack of belief in a god.

These folks who get uppity about a sign suggesting that there are some who don't believe in god and that they can get in touch with others who don't believe in god is really... really sad. If they are so sure of their faith and beliefs then they should be perfectly comfortable with a sign such as that. They should be able to think to themselves 'Ahh, let them go away, they will return when they know the truth.' It's just that they might... you know, perhaps believe deep down that their faith isn't actually true, and so they need to stamp on anything that gives them any pause to doubt in it.



>> ^anyprophet:
Christians are mighty defensive of their faith. A little too defensive, if you know what I mean.

Not nearly as defensive as Atheists, judging by the kiddies here on LiberalSift, say one word against their "Messiah" Richard Dawkins and you'd think the world was going to implode...


I went to college in Tennessee. Near my university campus, a church erected a ~100 foot tall steel crucifix near the interstate in hopes of "convicting" (their wording) passersby. They even set up a Facebook group to promote the new structure, and so I asked them why they felt the need to shove their religion down everyone's throat via an obnoxious structure near a busy interstate.

Hilarity ensued.


You stop taking Richard Dawkins' name in vain, you heathen!!
>> ^BillOreilly:
>> ^anyprophet:
Christians are mighty defensive of their faith. A little too defensive, if you know what I mean.

Not nearly as defensive as Atheists, judging by the kiddies here on LiberalSift, say one word against their "Messiah" Richard Dawkins and you'd think the world was going to implode...


>> ^mefa:
Oh, your god. I get a more fucked up view of the US every time I see something like this. This would NEVER be an issue in Europe, not in any part I know of that is. Noone would even bother putting up one of those billboards, because we don't need them. Most people here are rational and can think for themselves anyway and would not ever believe in a "higher power".
And I think the message is wrong, it should say: "Don't believe in A god." not just 'god'.

Sharia law in the UK, Honor killings in Germany, Turkey in the EU?
Think again mefa. Religious bullshit is all over Europe. Those who live in glass houses should not cast stones.


>> ^Sarzy:
Fun fact: God prefers Atheists.

Exactly my thoughts actually... I think that if there were a god(s) he/she/it/them would prefer people to live moral, good lives through the belief it's the right thing to do rather than purely out of fear of retribution.

But nooo, religious types like to suggest that Atheists have no morals. Yeah, because we need to pray to have morals. They've hijacked what morals are and turned them to mean you have to go to church.

And yet many church goers I know are far less moral people than I, so there is no correlation at all... or is it actually an inverse one?


>> ^mefa:
Oh, your god. I get a more fucked up view of the US every time I see something like this. This would NEVER be an issue in Europe, not in any part I know of that is. Noone would even bother putting up one of those billboards, because we don't need them. Most people here are rational and can think for themselves anyway and would not ever believe in a "higher power".
And I think the message is wrong, it should say: "Don't believe in A god." not just 'god'.

Well, good for you guys! Aren't you proud? Why don't we give a round of applause for Europe, everyone? Better yet, three cheers! Hip hip!

*pats you on the back*


I sort of expect the religious to object to this sign. I have a problem with the reporters describing the sign as controversial or divisive. In which way is this sign either controversial or divisive? There is no controversy that atheists exist. It is not divisive to let people know that there exist people that hold an opposing viewpoint than the mainstream. This sign doesn't even attempt to convince the audience that the atheist view is correct. It simply tells you that other atheists exist and you can contact them if you like.


poor stupid lonely atheist, what do they know?
reverting to billboards to try and pick up chicks, how dispicable.
i love how the news reporters framed this issue, so fair and balanced™. It must've been rating weeks or a slow "news" day. Oh no, I forgot, our news in this country sucks that bad.
before the newbs flame me...check the avatar.


Maybe it's just me, but this piece has more to say about the state of journalism than it does about religion.

It's the modern day atrophied version of what passes for it: just let two people on opposite sides of a dispute speak, and keep the overall length of the entire piece below 90 seconds, even though the story touches on a debate about the existence of god, free speech rights, and freedom of religion.

There's probably a bit more to the atheist group than the billboard, one would assume. Why are they doing it? What's the goal of their organization? Why did they think this was worth paying money to do?

Why do the religious representatives find it offensive that people who don't believe might organize the way believers do? Are they making an organized effort to prevent the advertisement from being posted? Doesn't that conflict with the ideals of free speech and freedom of religion?

A drive-by piece like this doesn't do the topic any sort of justice, and doesn't even try to educate -- it just says "hey look, people are pissed at each other over differences in beliefs" that's news.


""Believe in God? You're a fool."

Someone put that on a billboard."

That's pretty ignorant of saying that. I mean - if a person isn't educated about why there probably are no gods, that doesn't mean he is a fool. A fool is someone who refuses to accept the truth after it has been proven to him.



A dude with magical powers came to Earth from out of the clouds. Some red dude with big horns lives underground and is 'evil'. Snakes can talk. Angels (fairies?) are REAL. Jesus can walk on water. Moses parted the waters and can summon forth holy pillars of fire to stave off his enemies. Jesus can turn water into wine (I thought it was lead into gold.. but whatever).

So.. who's view on reality is more screwed up? An Atheists or a Christians?


instead of the billbooard, they could've used that money to open a shelter for people to stay who have no home. it would have a steepled roof to quickly drain the rain, and colorful windows for the sun to shine through and inspire people. then we could have candles lit to give thanks for such a place existing, and maybe other people who weren't homeless could come once a week too, and give some money to help support the place. and then we could have one person, let's say a guy, in charge of the whole thing... kinda like an inspirational speaker. and he'd have to wear a special kinda suit or clothing so that everyone knew who he was. he could read from books, or even the same book if he found it particularly meaningful to himself, and this might get other people similarly inspired!

oh yeah, and then we'd have a fake dead guy impaled on spikes in the corner too.


>> ^thepinky:
>> ^mefa:
Oh, your god. I get a more fucked up view of the US every time I see something like this. This would NEVER be an issue in Europe, not in any part I know of that is. Noone would even bother putting up one of those billboards, because we don't need them. Most people here are rational and can think for themselves anyway and would not ever believe in a "higher power".
And I think the message is wrong, it should say: "Don't believe in A god." not just 'god'.

Well, good for you guys! Aren't you proud? Why don't we give a round of applause for Europe, everyone? Better yet, three cheers! Hip hip!
pats you on the back

What's wrong with you? Too proud to see the flaws of your country? I know Europe isn't perfect in any way, but I was commenting on THIS video see? I was just commenting on THIS fucked up behavior and compared it to how it's in contrast to Europe, nothing else. Don't comment on something when you clearly have nothing of interest to talk about.


>> ^Farhad2000:
This is such a non-story.

a major worldwide philosophical shift away from the mythology of the past 10,000 years of human civilization, which is only now occurring in our lifetime.

the historical role of the media was to report current events. this is a current event, and an rather important one at that. a few decades ago it was as taboo to publicly declare yourself an atheist. today, that is still true in many locales and social circles thus this billboard is ground-breaking. seems story-worthy to me.


>> ^HadouKen24:
It is at the very least indicative of a major change in American attitudes toward religion. Such a billboard would have been practically unthinkable just twenty years ago.

Funny, I get the impression that 20 years ago this billboard wouldn't be a story because it wouldn't be a source of outrage. Evangelical Christianity has really taken over in the last 10-15 years, and they're the ones I would expect to freak out over Atheist billboards.


I'm sorry. Your comment just seemed so smug and superior that I couldn't let it go.

Nothing is wrong with me. [EDIT: No, actually, there are many things wrong with me.] I'm not too proud to see my country's flaws. But you obviously have enough pride to see how Europeans are superior to Americans when it comes to being rational and thinking for themselves. I don't begrudge you that opinion. You're entitled to it. Obviously many Sifters agree with you.

But put yourself in my shoes for one New York minute. Imagine reading the comments for this video and seeing post after post after post about how idiotic and ridiculous atheists are. And then you come across a post that goes something like this:

Oh, you atheists. I get a more screwed up view of Europe every time I see something like this. This would NEVER be an issue in America, not in any part I know of that is. No one would even bother putting up one of those billboards, because we don't need them. Most people here are rational and can think for themselves anyway and would not ever be atheists.
And I think the message is wrong, it should say: "Believe in A god." not just "god."

Wouldn't you be slightly indignant? I assuaged my frustration with sarcasm and what I thought was humor. Sorry to use you as a scapegoat. No hard feelings.

>> ^mefa:
>> ^thepinky:
>> ^mefa:

What is wrong with you? Too proud to see the flaws of your country? I know Europe isn't perfect in any way, but I was commenting on THIS video see? I was just commenting on THIS fucked up behavior and compared it to how it's in contrast to Europe, nothing else. Don't comment on something when you clearly have nothing of interest to talk about.


No hard feeling from me either. I see your point.
Though I have to say I actually wouldn't be slightly indignant if I read that. I would just think they were as stupid and ignorant as I think every religious person is and just ignore their opinion as it would hold no weight coming from a stupid person anyway.
Wow, I sound like an awful person. =/

>> ^thepinky:
I'm sorry. Your comment just seemed so smug and superior that I couldn't let it go.
Nothing is wrong with me. [EDIT: No, actually, there are many things wrong with me.] I'm not too proud to see my country's flaws. But you obviously have enough pride to see how Europeans are superior to Americans when it comes to being rational and thinking for themselves. I don't begrudge you that opinion. You're entitled to it. Obviously many Sifters agree with you.
But put yourself in my shoes for one New York minute. Imagine reading the comments for this video and seeing post after post after post about how idiotic and ridiculous atheists are. And then you come across a post that goes something like this:
Oh, you atheists. I get a more screwed up view of Europe every time I see something like this. This would NEVER be an issue in America, not in any part I know of that is. No one would even bother putting up one of those billboards, because we don't need them. Most people here are rational and can think for themselves anyway and would not ever be atheists.
And I think the message is wrong, it should say: "Believe in A god." not just "god."

Wouldn't you be slightly indignant? I assuaged my frustration with sarcasm and what I thought was humor. Sorry to use you as a scapegoat. No hard feelings.


Yeah, you kinda do. However, I think that calling ALL religious people stupid and ignorant is stupid and ignorant, so I suppose I'm just as bad.

Now that we've made up, allow me to make you mad again. No, please don't get mad. I sincerely hope that the following doesn't offend. It is pretty didactic, so please forgive me.

I want to mention that Atheists do not earn respect by being unpleasant, aggressive, and self-satisfied. The most acceptable religious people, I think you would agree, are the type who believe in something and do good with it, who are well-informed and AT LEAST attempt to incorporate science and logic into their religion, who are tolerant of all other people, and who do not force their religion upon anyone who doesn't want it. Many Atheists I have encountered are just the opposite. They are intolerant of the beliefs of others and are more than happy to lump all religious people into one "stupid and ignorant" category. They are determined to enlighten the world. Most Atheists see a difference between pushing Atheism and proselytizing (ex. They would see a problem with door-to-door missionaries but not door-to-door Atheists) when there is really very little difference.

I believe that the best kind of Atheists realize that Atheism is the belief that God does not exist, not just a non-belief. They are tolerant of other beliefs, and they do not make broad, scathing generalizations about theists. I am religious, obviously, but I am probaly just as baffled and horrified by the goings-on of most Christian denominations as you are. But you will never catch me calling them all stupid and ignorant. Many or most are, yes, but not all. Have you ever bothered to discover religions who DO believe in evolution? Have you ever thought about the possibility that theism and logic could coexist? I'm not asking you to believe that they can, but never to have considered or thought about any of these kind of ignorant, isn't it? To stamp an "ignorant and stupid" label to every theist's forehead, especially around here, is exceedingly easy and doesn't require as much thinking for yourself as many seem to believe.

Just some food for thought. Please don't flame me.

>> ^mefa:
No hard feeling from me either. I see your point.
Though I have to say I actually wouldn't be slightly indignant if I read that. I would just think they were as stupid and ignorant as I think every religious person is and just ignore their opinion as it would hold no weight coming from a stupid person anyway.
Wow, I sound like an awful person. =/
>> ^thepinky:

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