Artful 'Tron:Legacy' Playboy Photoshoot (NSFW for nudity!)


There's nothing Disney about it, and naturally you won't see Disney's name anywhere near this thing. But the studio will be the first to admit (privately, behind closed doors, to only a select few) that they need all the marketing help they can get when it comes to 'Tron: Legacy'. The much-anticipated sequel finally hits theaters this weekend (read our review) following an assortment of mixed reviews (Rotten Tomatoes currently has it at 64% Fresh, which is pretty good), coupled with more than a few articles predicting what it would mean for Disney if this film and its $300+ million budget were to open with weak numbers (like, say, under $50 million).

So while Disney shovels out the funky commercials and groovy, neon-heavy merch (see our post on five pieces of 'Tron: Legacy' merchandise that you'll want to own), it looks like they're also quietly allowing Playboy to help attract an older audience who may be interested in the film for reasons that don't have to do with "the wicked 3D man!" While you won't be seeing Olivia Wilde in her birthday suit for this Playboy pictorial, the magazine did enlist two playmates -- Irina Voronina and Sasckya Porto -- to take on the personas of two characters from the film (one of which includes Olivia Wilde's Quorra).

mmm.....body paint is so last decade. The new tron is all about the leather and rubber body suits... and no cheesy lighting tricks. The outfits actually had lights in them. Bring THAT to a tron porno shoot, not this cheap knock off stuff


>> ^jmd:

mmm.....body paint is so last decade. The new tron is all about the leather and rubber body suits... and no cheesy lighting tricks. The outfits actually had lights in them. Bring THAT to a tron porno shoot, not this cheap knock off stuff

I assume you can't paint worth a damn?


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