Girls unusual reaction when she wins

"Dedra, you know I hate playing Risk with you."

"Stop playing with me."

"Dedra, why do you always take Kamchatka?"

"Stop playing with me."

"Your continued focus on Canada is going to make you lose Asia."

"Stop playing with me."

"See? Now I took Asia. But at least you have Quebec."

"Arrêter de jouer avec moi."


Maybe if I don't respond he will go away.
Mmm, not working, better try again.
Ok, one last time, if he still doesn't go away, prepare to deploy sonic artillery.
Ok, buddy. You've had your chance for a peaceful solution. All batteries! Open fire!


Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Sunday, November 15th, 2009 6:20pm PST - promote requested by original submitter Sagemind.

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