Airstrikes Smell Like Little Bits Of Burning Children

Everyone is close to the front line if you live in Gaza. December 30, 2008.

What assholes. They fly F16s we gave to them overhead. The sonic booms have caused hearing losses in most of the teenagers who are currently prisoners inside a walled/fenced in occupied territory.


This conflict is like watching a fight between a professional boxer and a cripple. Whatever their reasons for hating each other, it is inherently wrong that the boxer not hold back when trading blows, even if the cripple threw the first punch.

To do something like this in the name of peace-keeping is just disingenuous. Everybody knows that causing fear, destruction and death in a populace will only embolden the more radical elements of society to strike back. It seems clear that Israel would rather reignite conflict than work toward a solution.


This is terrorist propaganda rather than journalism. These people elected and actively support Hamas; they act as willing human shields.

There are no Palestinian civilians, they are combatants every one. Now they reap the whirlwind. No people have been as forbearing and long-suffering as the Isaelis. No other nation would be expected to remain passive in the face of the horrific Palestinian provocations.

Let the IDF be merciful, and crush these heirs to Nazi philosophy swiftly and completely.


I assume that post up there ^ ^ ^ is some clever parody. It points out the irony of the heirs to Nazi philosophy (though most of them did hang at Nuremberg).. ok well the flip coin "heirs" of Nazism... doing their damnedest.

No one finds it ironic that the IDF is reigning terror and bombs and sonic booms on a people diminished to the worst refugee camp / apartheid village in decades..

Essentially, if I put you in jail (rightly, wrongly, who cares).. so I put you in jail for 10 years and rape you and beat you daily. Then you still persist to throw rocks at the jailer, then they deserve more crushing????

It really is like a boxer and a cripple in a wheel chair going at it over the last twinkee.


>> ^joedirt:
They fly F16s we gave to them overhead. The sonic booms have caused hearing losses in most of the teenagers who are currently prisoners inside a walled/fenced in occupied territory.

show independently confirmed documented proof of that, otherwise you are a liar.


>> ^misterwight:
This conflict is like watching a fight between a professional boxer and a cripple. Whatever their reasons for hating each other, it is inherently wrong that the boxer not hold back when trading blows, even if the cripple threw the first punch.
To do something like this in the name of peace-keeping is just disingenuous. Everybody knows that causing fear, destruction and death in a populace will only embolden the more radical elements of society to strike back. It seems clear that Israel would rather reignite conflict than work toward a solution.

Um, what gives you the impression that Israel isn't holding back? It is easily within the power of the Israeli army to kill every last person in Gaza with a conventional attack alone, and with limited casualties to themselves. Even that would be holding back because if they really wanted to make a statement they could always just turn Gaza into a giant glass crater.

Sorry, but your comment just seems terribly ignorant. Israeli attacks like these try very hard to minimize civilian casualties, witness the percentage of dead that really are militants compared to the attacks made by Hamas. Hamas kills 3 civilians for every soldier they hit, Israel hits 3 militants for every civilian, that's not nothing. There is also the fact that Hamas' stated intent is the elimination of Israel, and Israel's intent is to simply stop the rocket attacks on itself.

Now even though I clearly think there is no possible way to declare that Israel is bad by comparison to Hamas, please remember how LOW that bar is. There is still plenty of room to criticize Israeli policy. Just don't ignorantly leap to trying to point them out as even worse than Hamas, that's just fighting stupid with more stupid.


>> ^bcglorf:

Only replying once, because I really don't care for internet arguments, but here goes:

Yes, it's obvious that they are holding back from their full potential. It's widely understood that they have nuclear arms, and I have yet to see pictures of a mushroom cloud over the strip. Clearly they could do more damage if they wanted to, and they could be less discriminate about civilian casualties.

On the other hand, they've caused injuries to over 1,500 people already. Aside from cost to life and limb, the IDF has caused considerable infrastructure damage to a place that was already in precarious third world conditions.

If you honestly think that Israel does its best to minimize civilian casualties, then please explain this:

The reason they aren't going farther is because they're playing politics. The world wouldn't be able to ignore it, and the US wouldn't be able to back it if Israel decided to "turn Gaza into a giant glass crater." Without US support, they fall. Therefore, they won't obliterate Gaza in one swift strike because they can't, so long as they too wish to survive as a country.

Killing civilians is deplorable, and war is deplorable, end of story. I have less sympathy for Israel in this conflict because they're the aggressors. Take a look at a few historical maps, and its pretty clear that Israel simply wants more territory. Hamas leaders have repeatedly stated that they could co-exist with Israel as defined in the Camp David Accords. The only problem is that Israel isn't interested in honoring that agreement.

Israel has Palestine backed into such a corner that parents can't properly feed their children, it's unsafe for people to walk their own streets, and unemployment in the country is over 20%. How can you possibly be surprised that parts of the populace want to strike back at their common enemy? Do you think they'd still be firing rockets blindly at towns if they had US-made F-16s of their own?


>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^joedirt:
They fly F16s we gave to them overhead. The sonic booms have caused hearing losses in most of the teenagers who are currently prisoners inside a walled/fenced in occupied territory.

show independently confirmed documented proof of that, otherwise you are a liar.




Sometimes when that little yippy bloody dog keeps nipping at your heels you just need to sink the boot in and punt the little git over the fence.

Believe in what you will, but either way you look at this conflict, neither party is wrong in what they are doing. However, assuming that the majority of people that would comment on this really have no idea on the topic, it's easy to see how you could take sides and place your backing on the 'underdog' as teh case may be.

Propaganda like this does nothing for the real issue.


Sad, but at the end of the day what do you expect Israel to do. Hamas fires puny little rockets at Israel because they need a state of conflict in order to get into power. Israel has no option, like any country, but to react to the shelling of any of its towns.

Exactly what kind of argument is telling your electorate that you are not using your military might because 'only a few of our civilians have died when they constantly attack our towns, but were not going to try to take them out because we might hurt their civilians'.

At the end of the day, its simple - Hamas stop firing rockets and none of this would have had to happen. But Hamas are more interested in staying in power by creating tension with Israel than having a peaceful situation where Fatah would propser.


>> ^ChosenOne:
Wait, so they warn people they are gonna get bombed? "We're gonna bomb somewhere in this area so leave, just don't tell the bad guys."?

The smart militant leaders go into hiding, unlike the one who got killed in an airstrike recently.


How about showing casualities of Hamas bombings and attacks in Israel?
How about thinking about that Hamas hides behind civilians because they want Israel to kill as many innocents as possible because that gives lots of attention in the media towards Israel?

Always look at it from both sides.
Its a circle of violence that idiots like you sitting with your fat ass in your seat in a safe country cant even judge the slightest.


Take a look at a few historical maps, and its pretty clear that Israel simply wants more territory.

No, it's not. Historical maps show most of Palestine in the hands of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Egypt. As those various nations warred with Israel they lost much of that land to Israel. ALL of the current Palestinian territory was at some point entirely in Israeli control, and in fact much more as well. They have though, continually unilaterally withdrawn from much of it, only holding land when it posed significant strategic benefits for self-defense.

The Israeli-Palestinian situation is no where near so simplistic as Israel has oppressed the Palestinians to the point of being a third world country and now is reaping the whirlwind. There have been dozens of nations involved in the conflict and every one of them has blood on their hands to show for it. Singling out Israel is ignorant, simplistic and deplorable. Even just looking at Hamas, you need to look at the Egyptian,Iranian and Syrian backing being given to Hamas. Are any of those nations oppressed by Israel to the point we should ignore their deliberate arming of Hamas militants intent on targeting Israeli civilians? Here's a hint, those nations 'aid' to Palestine consist predominantly of rockets and small arms. Meanwhile Israel is the top giver of humanitarian aid to Palestine.


I'm amazed by both sides willingness to perpetuate this fighting without resolution. If they were shooting rockets at us you wouldn't be able to find gaza on a map after we're through with them.



Compare top right corner and bottom left corner to present time. Does that seem fair? Britain just decides to conquer a piece of land there and throw a bunch of Jews in the middle of the Arab world?

I'm not sure why people keep wanting to say this, but Britain didn't just throw a bunch of Jews into the middle of the Arab world. They immigrated to British controlled Palestine of their own free will, and some were even there before Britain was running things. That there was a surge of Jewish immigration there during WW2 is probably(understatement) more attributable to Germany than Britain. Thing is, like most minorities, the Jews weren't treated that great by the Arab majority and lived mostly in isolation. Tensions between the two factions grew into a civil war and Israel's declaration of independence. It again happened gradually and of it's own accord, no British master plan or other foreign attempt to take Arab land and give it to the Jews.

Also, compare the bottom three pictures to each other to get a better picture of what has really happened in the region. The land gained from the UN mandated map, which Israel embraced in it's declaration of independence, was while Israel fought all it's neighboring Arab countries as they all declared war on it immediately. Also remember that the bottom right picture is decades out of date as Israel has since unilaterally returned the Sinai region to Egypt.


I've got another commonly held belief:

Some Jews decided, based on what God said in scripture, that they were entitled to a country of their own, so they moved into Palestine -- the territory specified in scripture -- and unilaterally declared it their own, and that's why Palestinians are pissed -- because some foreign people just barged into their country and took it over.
I have no idea if it's got any truth to it. Anyone? (OK, I mean, anyone with non-partisan references)


>> ^messenger:
I've got another commonly held belief:

Some Jews decided, based on what God said in scripture, that they were entitled to a country of their own, so they moved into Palestine -- the territory specified in scripture -- and unilaterally declared it their own, and that's why Palestinians are pissed -- because some foreign people just barged into their country and took it over.
I have no idea if it's got any truth to it. Anyone? (OK, I mean, anyone with non-partisan references)

Those would be called the Zionists. Around the same time Europe was busy discussing the "Jewish" problem, a segment of Jewish society formed the Zionist movement who's intent and purpose was the creation of an entirely Jewish state. They kind of evolved as a result of oppressive nazi and nazi-esque policies of the day. Their position was mostly defended on the belief that no country would willingly accept a Jewish population as equals and thus the only way to secure themselves was to create their own state. The old testament also declares the region around Israel to be God's chosen land for the nation of Israel, and was the land they inhabited in Biblical times only to be since kicked out. That was frequently used as a reason to chose Palestine. The simple presence of a sizable Jewish population in Palestine and a reasonable amount of unpopulated land made it attractive from a more practical point. So yes, there is some truth to it having a basis in scriptures. But only as much truth as their is in saying Muslims want to kick the Jews out of Jerusalem and all of Israel because their scriptures tell them THEY are entitled to it.

The religious backgrounds play a big role in the conflict, but cold, hard practicality drives it as much or more than the other way around. When your a hungry minority(like the Jewish people before 49 and the Palestinian people today) it becomes a lot easier to accept a reading of your scriptures saying God wants you to go fight.


They had an equal chance of ending up in Brasil. I think the world would have been better off if Israel would have been set up in South America. Obviously Israel will not stop until they either have all the land, or kill all the natives.

>> ^mxxcon:
show independently confirmed documented proof of that, otherwise you are a liar.

Just because you can't use google, doesn't make other people liars. Show me independently confirmed documented proof that Hamas is launching rockets, you silly liar.


^Taking sides to the degree that you ignore the complexity of the situation (Hamas considered it in their best interest to break their cease fire agreement) and defend violence against civilians (as long as they're on the other side) isn't going to help the reaching of a realistic resolution to the conflict.

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