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RFlaggsays...I didn't watch the Super Bowl, but apparently 84 Lumber stoked some controversy over their ad showing the start of a migrant family's journey. Response was so high it crashed their servers, but YouTube to the rescue. *promote because it was a great and touching ad.
siftbotsays...Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, February 5th, 2017 8:13pm PST - promote requested by original submitter RFlagg.
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by SFOGuy.
siftbotsays...Double-Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, February 5th, 2017 8:16pm PST - doublepromote requested by SFOGuy.
However, and I know I am going to catch absolute hell over this but it needs to be said, there is a legal method in place for immigration. You might not agree with it, you might think it needs to be relaxed to allow more people in, you might think it is restrictive because it costs money and time, but the fact remains that there is a process for it in place.
Of course it is terribly sad that people who want to be in this country to improve their standard of living can't simply walk across a border to get here. I wish it could be that way, but it can't. People need to be checked into to see that there is no hidden issues that will arise once they are here. They need to be relatively able to find a job so that they are not a drain on others. This is a worldwide truth, as there is no country that does not have some method to process immigrants, many far more restrictive than ours. For instance, Australia will slap your ass on a desolate fucking island if you try to immigrate illegally and they can't find a place to return you to in a cost effective manner.
My own opinion on the matter is that we need to have a concerted discussion on how we are going to handle immigration requests and then have a nationwide vote upon it. At the very minimum it should be a statewide vote in states that border another country, as they are generally the ones most affected by costs related to illegal immigration. But until that time, I have to look at this video as a mother who is willing to commit a felony to make sure her daughter has a better life.
Which is laudible, definitely, but we punish other people who break the law to try to improve their or their children's lives. If I had children and I committed a felony crime to improve their lives, I would go to jail. How is someone who came here illegally better than me and therefore immune to the same laws I am held to?
antsays...But but legal immigrant, not illegal!
scheherazadesays...Last I checked, illegal entry is a misdemeanor.
Ans it's only the entry itself. If you enter legally on a temporary visa, and don't leave, that's not a crime. But you will likely not get another visa should you leave.
I get that it's a 'crime', but as a matter of legal seriousness, it's on par with jaywalking or disturbing the peace.
Not that legality and morality are in any way connected, so don't take my statement as anything more than its face value.
(As an aside : As a libertarian, as a matter of principle, I have no problem with people coming and going and having whatever relations with whoever consents to have them. It is, after all, none of my business.)
[...]If I had children and I committed a felony crime to improve their lives, I would go to jail. How is someone who came here illegally better than me and therefore immune to the same laws I am held to?
Mordhaussays...My mistake, the first time is a misdemeanor, the second is a felony. Yes, there is a gaping hole in the visa setup. I would hope it is looked into as well when we go over the necessary steps to fix immigration.
Last I checked, illegal entry is a misdemeanor.
Ans it's only the entry itself. If you enter legally on a temporary visa, and don't leave, that's not a crime. But you will likely not get another visa should you leave.
I get that it's a 'crime', but as a matter of legal seriousness, it's on par with jaywalking or disturbing the peace.
Not that legality and morality are in any way connected, so don't take my statement as anything more than its face value.
(As an aside : As a libertarian, as a matter of principle, I have no problem with people coming and going and having whatever relations with whoever consents to have them. It is, after all, none of my business.)
poolcleanersays...I don't know why they didn't go thru the proper red tape to enter America legally. But then again, what does someone living on the streets and off the kindness of strangers in cities off the grid know about proper first world nation entry methodology?
I don't know what it feels like to struggle with illegal immigrantion, but I do know what my favorite cartoon illegal immigrant, Stitch, would say,
"Ohana means family, and family means never saying goodbye."
I consider Mexico part of our Ohana -- and some of those people are struggling to get here to meet their literal ohana. Maybe Amurica means fuck you, and fuck you means goodbye.
Anyway, I'm just an average American citizen that's doing alright in life, not perfect, but I certainly don't blame Mexicans for my problems... Idiots do though. Similar to how idiots take a few bible verses against homosexuality and weigh that sin as greater than all others, these other idiots similarly equate Mexican immigration as a higher, more serious issue than it actually is.
In psychology that's called "compensation", where you pretty much ignore your incompetence and inadequacies, and redirect your efforts into improving something else to put your mind at ease. This wall is compensation for America's actual problems.
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