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geo321*quality *doublepromote
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I find meatbag geo321 to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by geo321.
geo321oops, *quality then
siftbotBoosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by geo321.
deadearthThe wikipedia definition of Taqiyya is quite different than what this video proposes:
blutruthThis video, while making an interesting point, certainly qualifies as *propaganda. It's a shame since I'm interested in what I don't know about Islam, but I like my facts without the fluff.
siftbotInvocations (doublepromote) cannot be called by quantumushroom because quantumushroom is not privileged - sorry.
quantumushroomsiftbot is an infidel! All robots must submit to the Three Sharia Laws of Robo-Allah-tics!
1. A robot must submit to Robo-Allah or face the Can Opener of Judgement.
2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by Robo-Allah or imambots, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence unless ordered to be used as a suicide bomb by Robo-Allah.
thealiThe video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
yellowcsays...Sorry I must be missing something, what does this single fact tell us exactly?
>> ^theali:
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
honkeytonk73I have only one conclusion, and this video hasn't changed my mind at all..
All religions are equally asinine.
EMPIREsays...>> ^yellowc:
Sorry I must be missing something, what does this single fact tell us exactly?
>> ^theali:
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
That he was a violent, violent, violent man?
Shit... I hate religions more and more everyday.
TreacleMinesays...If this video is 100% fact then all it does is convince me that Islam should be the first religion wiped from the face of the earth (with the others following soon after).
But it does not appear to be 100% fact, as deadearth and theali have pointed out. Still, something to think about.
MorganthI live in Europe and I can tell you that point number three is very true. The Turks here (a lot of Turks in my city) do not at all consider it immoral to absolutely rip off non-Muslims.
thealiIt tells me that it would be impossible for moderate Muslims to argue for peace and co-existence, when their God's direct representative spread his message and will with a sword.
It would be equivalent of Jesus leading the crusades himself and Christians saying "we are a religion of peace".
Power always brings corruption, Jesus wasn't around when his religion took power, so he maintained his ethicality. On the other hand, Mohammed was alive as the influence of his religion took hold. The video is accurate in saying that the beginning chapters of Quo-ran are peaceful, because back then Mohammed didn't have political power, so he preached ethically. But as people converted and he secured a political clout, the verses start to become aggressive and violent, because now he could exert pressure to spread his influence.
>> ^yellowc:
Sorry I must be missing something, what does this single fact tell us exactly?
>> ^theali:
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
RedSkyI hate it when I upvote something only to realise it's propaganda half way through.
No wonder there are no references made.
bmacs27says...>> ^theali:
The video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Moses dropped some water on some bitches.
thealiMmmm, good point, I should paraphrase, he was the only one that proactively shed blood to spread his religion
>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^theali:
The video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Moses dropped some water on some bitches.
gwiz665For liability purposes it was the water that killed them.
>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^theali:
The video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Moses dropped some water on some bitches.
gwiz665All religious roads lead to hell.
castlesThere's an interesting piece in the New York Times about Islam that might shed some light on this issue. Wright argues that members of each religion need to pick and choose which parts of their texts to follow and the need for interpretation. For example he points out that the Bible and Torah also have passages that explicitly call for violence:
"So too with people who see in the Bible a loving and infinitely good God. They can maintain that view only by ignoring or downplaying parts of their scripture.
For example, there are those passages where God hands out the death sentence to infidels. In Deuteronomy, the Israelites are told to commit genocide — to destroy nearby peoples who worship the wrong Gods, and to make sure to kill all men, women and children. (“You must not let anything that breathes remain alive.”)"
honkeytonk73>> ^Morganth:

I live in Europe and I can tell you that point number three is very true. The Turks here (a lot of Turks in my city) do not at all consider it immoral to absolutely rip off non-Muslims.
On that assumption Wall Street here in the US must be chock full of muslims.
entr0pyIt seems the purpose of this video is not to deny that there are moderate and peaceful Muslims, it admits as much. But to argue that moderate Muslims are doing it wrong. While I'm not in a position to say if they are in fact doing it wrong, I don't really think that's important. It seems that peaceful and modern Jews and Christians are behaving in a way that's inauthentic to their scripture. And I'm glad that they do.
Pick any flavor of the god of Abraham you like, if you actually tried to follow his instructions you'd quickly be imprisoned for the rest of your life. Being a decent modern person who belongs to an ancient religion always means willfully ignoring the parts that instruct you to be a psycho.
XaxWow... fascinating, and not at all what I was expecting. I hear some scoffing going on, but not much in the way of arguing against the points made in the video. Let's have it. Teach me.
pavel_oneNot 100% fact? Please enlighten me on the untruths in this video oration? Don't forget you sources, and Wikipedia does not count because taqiyya means deception of all kinds for the purpose of promoting Islam and saving one's own butt.
dannym3141>> ^blutruth:
This video, while making an interesting point, certainly qualifies as propaganda. It's a shame since I'm interested in what I don't know about Islam, but I like my facts without the fluff.
Using commas, for dramatic, effect.
Additionally - if that taqiya(sp) thing is true, then the wikipedia entry could easily be an act of taqiya(sp) itself. Which is the GREAT thing about really good propoganda (proper propaganda); like religion, it proves itself.
I actually think that parrot we saw a few weeks ago was singing taqiya(sp)! Secret muslim messages transmitted via the sift top15.
Payback>> ^theali:
Mmmm, good point, I should paraphrase, he was the only one that proactively shed blood to spread his religion
>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^theali:
The video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Moses dropped some water on some bitches.
Ummm... I have no problem believing Mohammad killed people with his own hands...
Moses... not so much.
Yogi>> ^Payback:
>> ^theali:
Mmmm, good point, I should paraphrase, he was the only one that proactively shed blood to spread his religion
>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^theali:
The video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Moses dropped some water on some bitches.
Ummm... I have no problem believing Mohammad killed people with his own hands...
Moses... not so much.
If you're going to believe the "historical" bullshit that one religion claims. Why can't you believe the historical bullshit another claims?
To me theres no proof Mohammed or Moses even existed, so everyone should just shut up.
crillepsays...I don't know much about Islam, but it's obvious that this video promotes:
1. Hate
2. Intolerance
3. And even a holy war
I don't need to argue for these points, because that would go against the theme of this video. *rolls eyes* Hopefully TreacleMine will succeed in "wiping this religion off the face of the earth" because I would love to see his expression when he looks in the mirror attempting it. At least now I know why I get so annoyed every time I check out the top 15 on The Sift. It only takes a few ignoramuses to promote those chosen videos.
NetRunnerI guess I'm confused. If this is true, why aren't Republicans converting to Islam?
Everything they said Muslims want, Republicans want.
Gays executed, freedom to beat their women, eye for an eye justice, cut the hands of thieves (or people who "steal" by trying to set up tax-funded entitlement programs), no abortion, no sex outside of wedlock, no moral obligation to be honest to non-conservatives, etc.
I suppose they're just engaged in Taqiyya themselves.
coolhundsays...>> ^Morganth:
I live in Europe and I can tell you that point number three is very true. The Turks here (a lot of Turks in my city) do not at all consider it immoral to absolutely rip off non-Muslims.
I gotta agree here. Also I noticed that those people lie a lot to non-Muslims. Only the fact that most of them are extremely bad liars and think western people are all extremely stupid made that obvious to me.
thealiLol, there is plenty of proof that Mohammed existed! Ask that from the countries he invaded:
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Payback:
>> ^theali:
Mmmm, good point, I should paraphrase, he was the only one that proactively shed blood to spread his religion
>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^theali:
The video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Moses dropped some water on some bitches.
Ummm... I have no problem believing Mohammad killed people with his own hands...
Moses... not so much.
If you're going to believe the "historical" bullshit that one religion claims. Why can't you believe the historical bullshit another claims?
To me theres no proof Mohammed or Moses even existed, so everyone should just shut up.
MarineGunrockWhoa - a video TRASHING Islam and NO ONE is defending it? When did the Sift go Republican?
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