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Well this dancing game gang film looks awesome

This Is My Home

First gentleman of Finland busted eyeing Princess Boobs

Happy 6th Birthday VideoSift! (Sift Talk Post)

youdiejoe says...

Much happiness and pride! Glad to have been here for 5 1/2 of those 6 years! Congrats to Dag and Lucky (and other cool peoples)!

therealblankman (Member Profile)

youdiejoe says...

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Went to see Hall & Oates this past summer at the PNE- terrible venue, but great show. Band was hot, Darryl's voice was in top form, and John Oates was just John Oates- with everything that implys.

*quality pop

Remember the old days when the cool bands were the ones where they all played their own instruments and sang without autotune?

Thanks for promote!

Cruel To Be Kind - Nick Lowe and Daryl Hall

Rejected Family Learning Channel Commercials

Rejected Family Learning Channel Commercials

Abs of Glass

youdiejoe says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

>> ^mentality:
Alistair Overeem. Probably would've killed the kid if he used his full power on that punch.

He certainly would have killed him. I feel bad for Overeem, that's a shitty thing to ask of someone like that. It's seriously dangerous, the kid is stupid and had it coming, but if Overeem killed him he'd be going to jail.
Houdini died because he used to do a trick where he'd get the toughest guy in the audience to hit him in the abs. If he clenched he was fine, but one day a big tough guy who'd heard about the dare sucker-punched Houdini and caused too much internal damage for the medicine of the day to be able to save him.

Sorry, but the Houdini stomach punch death is a myth...

Crazy Norwegian Guy Returns

Giant Gull Attack

NEVER Throw A Firecracker Into A Manhole!

youdiejoe says...

On January 29, 2012 a man suffered major injuries and remains hospitalized while playing with firecrackers with his son and nephew. The accident occurred in Hunan province of China when Mr. Cai dropped a small firecracker into one of the holes of the sewer cover, which exploded an accumulation of gases. The force of the explosion was such that the sewer lid, weighing 20 kilos, was thrown a height of three stories. Fortunately, both children were at a sufficient distance and suffered no injury but Mr. Cai suffered facial burns and damage to the respiratory system by inhaling the flame produced by the explosion.

Holy Shit, It's A Sheep Tornado!

Walking Dead - Growing Pains mashup

Issykitty (Member Profile)

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