Cruel To Be Kind - Nick Lowe and Daryl Hall

Nick Lowe and Daryl Hall play Nicks 1979 hit song "Cruel To Be Kind". This is taken from the great web series from Daryl Hall "Live From Daryl's House"

*findthumb sometimes removes thumbnails if it's an unsupported provider.
>> ^jonny:

/smh - so once it's updated, it can't be fixed? sorry joe. Anyway, you should be able to replace it with that image.


Moving this video to youdiejoe's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.


Went to see Hall & Oates this past summer at the PNE- terrible venue, but great show. Band was hot, Darryl's voice was in top form, and John Oates was just John Oates- with everything that implys.

*quality pop

Remember the old days when the cool bands were the ones where they all played their own instruments and sang without autotune?


This one is alright... I absolutely love the Neon Trees episode, a band I had never heard of before their appearance on this show.

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