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Kidstoned Chewable Valium

Russian ICBM Carriers

Your First Post (Sift Talk Post)

The first 'hardest' sport climb.

Reinventing the wheel - Fosbury at the `68 Olympics

Reinventing the wheel - Fosbury at the `68 Olympics

The $592 Million U.S. Embassy In Iraq, Built by.............

SWAT Team + Chubby Kid = Comedy Gold

deleted all this cuz i was terribly drunk when i wrote it (Sift Talk Post)

Weirdest Exercise Video Ever, i.e. POODLES!!!

Lost Penis: REWARD

stuck for something good to post? here's a freebie (Sift Talk Post)

Stephen Colbert on "To Catch a Predator"

Oxygen Rocket Car Lunacy

Moore vs Blitzter

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