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Crazy-Hard New Guitar Hero Song

Top Gear Finds the World's Best Driving Road

The greatest hits of the Houston light-rail metro system

Montage of the Freaking Awesome

Chewbacca lives again!

Stunts Gone Wrong

School bus? we don't need no stinking school bus!

School bus? we don't need no stinking school bus!

Zifnab (Member Profile)

In Rally Car Talk, This Is Called "Taking the Turn Too Fast"

If only everyone saw you as your dog does.

Escape the Grapevine!

Flippin' Insanity! - Guy does backflip on a slackline

wingnut says...

My local rock gym had one of these up for a few months. When someone slips, the sound of the webbing just smacking them in the groin- it was great fun for everyone. Then some 250-pound football lineman tried it and actually managed to blow the bolt out of the wall. Fun while it lasted.

JC Anderson Golf Tip

Something Wicked this Way Comes (Sift Talk Post)

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