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Africans Highest Achievers in US Universities

westy says...

The reason is this , in general most african countries are pore so the only the ritchest fsamilies in africa will get to send kids to USA and given the distance and cost they have to make the most of it or they will get boloxed by there family they will also be aware of how fucked they might be if they don't get a high degree.

the same thing happens with indean and Chinese students or allot of students that are studying in another nation to there own , if you are going to another country to specifcsly study something chances are you have a specifc motivation and will be sumone that will work harder at the given subject.

another factor is that forghen students in a given nation are often older and have held jobs and so have more maturity and drive than your average native student thats just progressed through the schooling system . In uk you find allot of Scandinavian students that come into degrees have more knowlage and practical skills than some of the lecturers and are simply doing the degree for the paper at the end that says they have a degree/masters.

We are at a time where you can easily pick up a 1970s standerd of knowlage from the internet alone its all there years of lectures and free acces to reeding materals , grante din the 70s you could get allot from books but the internet offers a streem line way to learn and comunication with people that can help guide you where as pre 80s you would realy have to be told what books to get or buy acess to the knowlage and tutorship.

Quantum Racetrack Explained!

Reporter Punches Kid on Live TV

westy says...

>> ^rich_magnet:

Maybe it's a language barrier, but I can't really tell what's happening in this reportage. I think I need to rewind and see it about 15 more times, in ever slower-mo. Maybe then I'll see what's going on.

Well this peace is so deep in subtext , I definitely think think its a valid commentary on the class system in India.

Steve Jobs on death and following your heart (animation)

westy says...

There are many reasons not to follow your hart for example if you have the self reflection and ability to identify when your actions may do harm to others.

of course if your a largely self centred person then sure the knowledge of impending death would motivate you and override anything else.

Also I wonder if people would put the same Wight on Steve jobs words if he hadn't lucked out with apple ?

granted allot of what is said in this video is not bad advice and jobs was hard working and made his success but there are hundreds of thousands of people who are just as imagantive and just as hard working as jobs ever was but would be scoffed at because they have not happened to be as tangibly successfully.

Poll on America's Opinion of Socialism

westy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

People who get "free" stuff usually like things being "free", and a corrupt government is more than happy to seize the money from the producers to buy the votes of the ignorant. Why should the producers continue busting a$$ only to have their 'extra' hard work taken away? Socialist paradises like mexifornia have been great for Utah and Arizona, which are more than happy to receive the fleeing companies voting with their feet.
Europe is in deep sh1t because of socialism, which sooner than later always fails. Even if you could tax everyone at 98% the unlimited wants of the people would outrun any government's ability to redistribute wealth.
Capitalism works, socialism 'sort of' works until it's literally too big NOT to fail.

Europe is in deep shit because USA DEREGULATED THE MARKETS and the whole of europe and USA are all tied into the same big banks.

In reality we live in a coperate run socity and thats because for the most part its a FREE MARKET in the sense that whoever has the most money can do what the fuck they like by lobying the goverment thats what you get when you let companies and money dictate things the people with the money own and run the goverment its as close to free market as you can get and hense why everything has fallen apart for the menny and benofited the few super ritch.

also look at crime rates and quality of helth care for countries that have better distribution of wealth you will find they are among the top.

Gamer Girl Manifesto

westy says...



by only having women in the video it communicates that only men have weird attitudes to women gamers and also has the effect of alienating women father and setting it up as a men V women situation , its about as affective as the spice girls shouting "GIRL POWER "

If you want to make a video to counter discrimination then make a choherant argument and explaining why its stupid.

Or simply play games and rightfully call out and draw attention to bullshit when it happens.

The Ending of "Capitalism: A Love Story"

westy says...

>> ^A10anis:

"Deserve" has got nothing to do with anything, We ALL think we deserve more. But I, for one, prefer the rich capitalist to the whingeing, lazy, ignorant sponger who contributes nothing, yet still believes he "deserves" everything. Certainly kerb the excesses of the abusers if it's needed. Certainly, help the needy who want to help themselves, but leave the individual to choose his own path without invasive government intervention. Capitalism per-se is, of course, not perfect but it is the only system i know of which allows free enterprise; A system where an idea can lead to great things (Gates,jobs, Branson, etc, etc, etc.). Alternatives have been, and are still being, tried. They give their people equal amounts of misery, intervention, control, and lack of freedom. If Moore doubts it, let him give away his wealth and go live in a state run country, he could start with North Korea.

The point is Capitalism is only of use to a society if it is heavily held acantable for its actions and made to operate within very tight rules that are set by a democratic socialist government.

Poll on America's Opinion of Socialism

westy says...

>> ^marbles:

You know who's the biggest fan of socialism? Corporations.
You wanna punish those evil "capitalists"? Make them actually have to compete in a real free market instead of lobbying congress for special interests. Let them suffer the consequences of leveraging their business with 30 to 1 bets. Hold government accountable for colluding with them and giving them trillions in free "loans" to manipulate the market. Hold government accountable for ignoring and refusing to go after banking fraudsters, the same fraudsters that are "donating" millions to election campaigns and special slush funds for government officials.
Socialism always has and always will be a deception. On multiple levels. You give power to one group of people (government) to plunder from another and you think this group of people is going to be fair?
And if any government around the world does practice something closer to true socialism (like Libya for example), then we're going to bomb the shit out of you. And all you so-called progressives will be leading the cheer for it.

There is never a "free market" and "free maket " as a saying is redundant and useless people use it all the time to counter socialisum but it makes no sense.

for example say you removed governments from the markets compleatly and just let market forces dictate everything , who do you think would win out ? the people with the most money would and the people with the most money would use that money to advertise more and more so regardless of the actual value of there product or service they would still make money.

the deregulation of the markets is specifically what lead to the sub prime fiasco , and ethor way raw consumption based capitlosum is fundimentaly floored when there are finite resources and ultimately things have to be managed by what makes things better for people and not whats the most profatable thing to do.

I would be intrestead to know what you would define as "free market" because I'm prity sure that people using the term "free market" in reality mean highly regulated capitlisum but with the regulation coming from the general population and scientific consensus instead of what we have now where the regulation comes from cooperate interest.

If that's the case you are basically talking about a socialist society with capitlisum balted on not a "free market" capitlist society.

Poll on America's Opinion of Socialism

westy says...




Are totally useless words ( in the sense of which is better or worse societies) unless you specifcaly define them in a given societal context and describe the specifics of the society ( as alluded to in the video)

All of them can be good or bad depending on how they are set up , things are further confused by govoning people or groups describing themselves wrongly in in-order to get public support.

For example USA is described in general as a capitalist democracy when in reality its a corpocracy with a small degree of democracy.

Russa in the 70-90s described itself as communist when in reality it was State Capitalism even up until putin and probably still is now.


westy says...

>> ^zeoverlord:

1. yes a typo, i sometimes type to fast for my own good, to and too is too similar to type correctly 100% of the time, i fixed it though when it was pointed out.
Also them being both valid words means the little red wavy lines didn't help here.
2. Yes, English is a second language for me, Swedish is my first, though oddly enough i do seem to make more spelling errors when typing in Swedish.
And for what it's worth my IQ is about 140 so i do think I'm smarter than you, but that's just how i roll.
I just try to not be a dick about it.
It's like the great saying "if your in the habit of pissing on fences eventually your going to end up in front of an electrified one".

IQ tests are not a very good way to prove absolute intelligence they can only evaluate how good sum one is at taking any given IQ test . There is a really interesting history with IQ tests and how societies have valued "intelligence" and just the whole thing in general.

I know you were not making argument ether way , but my view is that traditoinal inteligence as per IQ test ablity , is something that comes way down the list of what I would value in sum one.


Kid Breaks Glass With His Voice

westy says...

Yah its real , Its also a good method to win arguments


Video sift just smashed


westy says...

>> ^shuac:

Could we please have a generation of tweens that are not stupid, just one, is that to too much to ask for.
Well, I expect tweens to be kinda stupid but I've been kidding myself about the average Videosifter's ability to write correctly, which is, I believe, symptomatic of intelligence. Oh well.

you honestly think that writing ability ( I assume you mean grammar and spelling rather than inherent logic) is a good metric for sum-ones intelligence ?

Also surely intelligence Is not important , so long as sum-one is making a truthful comment or something that is not detrimental.

Dutch TV hosts eat human flesh on TV show

westy says...


1) Both people consented to it

2) both people appear mentally sound

3) there was minimal long term risk to the health of the people involved

Lets just compare this to other shit that's on tv where we see people jumping of buildings or doing dares that are ridiculously dangerous where there is a high chance sumone will get permanently hurt I mean for fucks sake footballers probably have more risk of serous ingery (and involuntary) than what happened on this show , what about shows that exploit people or companies that sell products they know will have an adverse effect on people yet still market them aggressively asoceating them with healthy thing.

If anyone has a real problem with this then they should have a evan larger problem with the majorty of tv.

The only real arguments against / problems with canablisum should be if your are canablising people against there will , depriving someone of life , exsploiting sumone with a mental disorder/lower mental facalty or stand a high chance of catching and perpetuating a Diseas.

Professor Brian Cox - A Night with the Stars

westy says...

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Gallowflak:
On the one hand, popularizing science is important. On the other hand, if you need pop-science to interest you in the subject, it's probably not for you.

I don't think so. It's great for anyone to have even the smallest grasp of a subject and if "pop" science will make those who aren't necessarily academic interested, then it's all good. It's impossible to be wholly interested in anything that you can't understand well, so I'm sure tons of people who don't like science would be fascinated if it were put into layman's terms

Thats totally fine for things that can be put into layman's terms but why bother when you can teach people that know absaluty nothing about science about things that will get them intrestead in science and not require analogies that are abstract to the piont that they become absurd.

for example evalutoin can be explained and understood by sum one that has no prior knowlage of science or anything you can demon-strait it tangibly , you can also demonstrate the scientific method and how its the best way to understand reality and inspire people to then get involved with aireas of science that require a deep scientific knowlage or mathematical background.

Still i think its worth having lectures on quantum phisics and exsplaning how the world works i just think its important not to make analogies that ultimately are of no real use, In this lecture the most valid and usfull thing about quantum physics cox explained was

along the lines of - " this is an equation a clever guy came up with and a good propotion of the scentific comunity belive is logicaly sound , using the equation scientists have been able to make an acuret prodiction about the universe that we have then observed in reality thus proving that the equation has utility and is not bullshit or useless"

Don't get me wrong this lecture was 100x better than the fucking bullshit documentaries with bullshit CGI and I wish this sort of lecture was weekly if not daily on the tv I mean why the fuck is that not the case ? ITS MENTAL

also I love popular science but I think the real thing of importance is installing the spirit of the scientific method in people if everyone understood what the scentific method was properly and how to evaluate information properly we would have a far better soicity and far more people acting on reality rather than being traped in some bullshit fantisy world.

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