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Flute mania! / Vladimir Cauchemar - Aulos

when your parents are cooler than you

Who wants to watch Tom Cruise's ankle shatter in slow-mo?

visionep says...

I think Xenu is the bad guy in that story. So Xenu would have attached a weak Thetan to Tom to make him unable to complete the stunt successfully.

StukaFox said:

Where's your Xenu NOW, Tom?

Why dying is Illegal in Longyearbyen, Norway

visionep says...

Lazy people, you just need to bury them deeper. According to wikipedia you just need to bury them below 1,493 meters at the most and geothermal heating will take care of the rest.

Ready Player One trailer 2

Turning Gas Guzzlers Into Clean Cars

visionep says...

I've always thought this would be a cool business to have. Retrofitting cars with more self-driving features would also be awesome.

It doesn't even look like these guy's are using advanced batteries. Small LIPO batteries distributed around the open areas of the car would make weight distribution better and probably provide a much higher total range.

Maybe they are keeping it simple for cost reasons.

Officer disciplined after getting angry over White Privilege

BATMAN NINJA - Japanese Trailer English Subs (12/01 release)

Jonathan Pie - Enough is Enough

visionep says...

The idea of GB forcing him to apologize would be pretty cool. If he didn't and they screwed their economy just to stand up for their values that would be even better.

Showing that integrity is paramount would be amazing.

Negative Repercussions of the Repopulation of Deer Species

Croatian airforce pilot puts his Pilatus to the test

A heart pounding chase

Why The US Military Made GPS Free-To-Use

Math hiphop (clipping - story 2)

Bungee Jump Prank

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