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Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012

Roddy McDowall's home movies from Planet Of The Apes -1968

Roddy McDowall's home movies from Planet Of The Apes -1968

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

This is amazing to see the make-up process of a classic film, also how good the techniques were considering that it was only the late 60s yet looks very convincing.

i swear if that were me getting made up i would want to just walk to streets in that outfit just to freak-out people.

Maine Caucuses Rigged

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Let the Ron Paul love-fest begin!. Love how when Paul loses votes its a conspiracy but when any of the other candidates do & Paul might stand to gain from it (although it has not happened yet) its a stand for liberty.

Wonder how many people in the Ron Paul camp also believe in the Zeitgeist movies claims about Money, 9/11 & other conspiracy like activity. Ron Paul is not the messiah and he has not won a SINGLE state all while being a candidate who's only policy is 'Let the states control you, rather than the federal government'.

Angry Grandpa learns a life lesson

John Fugelsang on Jesus and the GOP

The Career Of Michael Jordan In A Nutshell

Milton Friedman - Why Drugs Should Be Legalized

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

If the essential goal of free markets is to conquer competition to ensure your own survivability & market dominance then how come Friedman also acknowledges at the end of this video that monopolies are a negative influence?, if the market REALLY worked in the manner in which he claims then wouldn't these monopolies be nothing but 'The Best Companies?'.

This viewpoint of only caring about markets because supposedly markets are the best option to help individuals forgets the key problem that 'people create markets' & people are greedy (basically the same problem as communism) 'power corrupts', and this ideology has zero respect or tolerance for the people it claims to be helping while also making them support big business unquestioningly being made into pawns of ITS GAME. To believe that the leaders of these companies main concern is to serve the interests of the individual is nothing short of nonsensical and taps into an egocentric self-focused Gordon Gekko like system while group worth is tossed aside in favour of profit at any cost.

Hell Hath Frozen Over: Bill O'Reilly Defends Ellen DeGeneres

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

if corporations are people, & corporations are helping to defend gays from being bullied as in this example than all the gay community has to do is change itself to gay-inc 'Problem solved'. your welcome.

Abortionplex: 'The Onion' Story Fools Republican Congressman

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

how is this really soo different to the mainstream?. When 'The Onion' first launched it was soo over the top and ridiculous that no-one could confuse it with 'REAL NEWS', however, in today's media it's pretty damn close to what is reported everyday as sensationalism. If real media would actually report on hard issues rather than pretending that EVERY issue has equal pros and cons then maybe the general population would be more able of discerning truth from fiction.

Why MOX News Supports Ron Paul

TYT - Ron Paul's Worst Newsletters - Cenk Gives Verdict

Noam Chomsky on Ron Paul: He's a nice guy, but...

CNN Inside Anonymous

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Great find, i can't believe that 16 people got arrested for crashing the unlawful activities of Paypal against activist websites such as wiki-leaks, yet were is all this police presence when the corporations in the financial sector brought the entire economy to the brink of collapse & walked away Scott-free. truly unbelievable.

Why so many people are endorsing Ron Paul for President

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

Peter Schiff was also 100% correct about the 2008 crash, but that still doesn't exonerate him as being a complete tool. i do not care for these examples of suitability for office due to correlation, correlation is not causation, and these attempts at power of authority figures to garner support for his cause is just appalling - just because a veteran says it does not make it a fact (& they are trained to follow order, not be free-thinkers) to me the true patriots shun military service 'Think of Muhammad Ali' when he so famously stated (No Vietnamese person ever called me nigger).

Paul may be right about wanting to bring the troops home, but he is very wrong about more broader issues & before of the cultists ask me for what those are read my older posts on my profile, i don't feel like repeating myself to people who close their ears & their minds.

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