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Vicious Dog Pack Attack

transmorpher says...

I quite like what they do in India. Incentives for men to get the snip, and whatever the equivalent procedure is for women. E.g. get a vasectomy, and the government buys you a new car.

No more accidental children (which is what makes up the majority of births). You can imagine that most people taking this offer up are typically going to be people who should not be having children, so it's a huge win for humanity.

Also externalising pregnancy to incubators would ensure that career focused families need not miss out on having children - particularly if they have their sperm and eggs frozen before they are sterilized. They can then have healthy cells ready for when they are ready, providing their children with a better environment to grow up in...... Without the health concerns for the mother, and without the health concerns for the baby (like alcohol and smoking while pregnant, or even mothers with type 2 diabetes, which is a huge problem these days because of what it does to the fetus).

Fewer bad parents, and a larger amount of deserving parents would really tip the scales for a better future in just a couple of generations.

Vicious Dog Pack Attack

transmorpher says...

Can we please stop breeding pets while there are so many dogs and cats that need homes?

Literally every time someone breeds a pet, another doggy or kitty who is perfectly healthy gets put down.

Who Needs Wingsuits?

transmorpher says...

Sure if you're unable to follow the assembly steps backwards.....

Hope you're enjoying your holidays bro, take care.

newtboy said:

Um.....yeah.....following instructions would bunk the bed, not debunk's a bunk bed, not a debunk bed.
I think I see our have logic dyslexia.

Who Needs Wingsuits?

transmorpher says...

You couldn't debunk an ikea bunk bed even if you followed the instructions.

All you do is call doctors charlatans, despite them being in positions such as the President of the American College of Cardiology (Dr. Kim A Williams).

I know it's a complete waste of time to argue with you.

newtboy said:

If you made reasonable responses and not suggestions that people should get medical advice from specific Google searches instead of medical professionals and peer reviewed science, we wouldn't argue.

It's a lie to claim veganism cures arthritis, I think that's why you won't site sources, you know I'll investigate and debunk them with ease.

The arthritis foundation has studied dozens of studies on vegan diets and arthritis and concluded results are mixed at best and vegan diets are absolutely not effective to the level of making people totally pain free, are not immediate, they don't work at all for many people, and certainly are not miraculous cures as you suggest, your few third party anonymous anecdotal claims notwithstanding. They also mention a number of serious problems that vegan diets can cause or exacerbate especially in people with medical issues.

Who Needs Wingsuits?

transmorpher says...

The evidence showing that cholesterol is related to clogged arteries is this: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (aka, the first person to demostate that heart-disease is curable) explains it in this TEDx Talk.

This is supported by Dr. Kim A. Williams President of the American College of Cardiology, and well as a study done by Dr. Dean Ornish, the doctor you've mentioned before.

There's also some 1300 studies by Dr. William C. Roberts and he concludes that cholesterol is the only major factor.


The evidence showing that dietary cholesterol is unrelated to blood cholesterol is........ funded by the egg board where they take people with maxed out cholesterol, and give them eggs, and the result is that their cholesterol cannot climb any higher.

If you like, dig up the studies, and I'll show you their scam :-)

But studies aside, you can literally test this yourself - eat no cholesterol for a week or two, and it will go down, and back up again when you start eating it. It's really that simple.

eric3579 said:

I'm not sure how you got to not eating cholesterol will clean out your arteries. Dietary cholesterol has no relationship with raising cholesterol in the blood.

Who Needs Wingsuits?

transmorpher says...

I've done enough arguing with you in the past to know not to waste my time making a proper response. I know you're not interested in the sources, you just want to nitpick them.

For anyone that's not in the cattle business and gets triggered as fuck like this guy....just google for plant-based diet arthritis, and it's pretty clear it's what helped this diver HE EVEN SAYS IT HIMSELF, and just about everyone else has the same results, being able to switch their arthritis pain on and off like a light switch by adding/removing dairy and meat.

newtboy said:

No, sorry, ditching meat and dairy didn't cure his arthritis. It's likely that swimming and training to freedive relieved his symptoms by effectively oxygenating his blood more efficiently and to higher levels. There is no cure for arthritis.

Free diving requires excessively high iron levels in your blood, which is exceptionally difficult to achieve on a vegetarian or vegan diet. That's why very few top ranked freedivers (or other top ranked athletes) are vegan instead of all of them.

True, vegetables don't have cholesterol, but poly and monounsaturated fats they do contain can still raise human cholesterol levels when over consumed. It's just not as simple as plant good, meat bad.

No clue where you get this 20% boost of O2 use efficiency claim....have any references or even explanations? It contradicts everything I find that shows only around 1/2 the iron found in those few vegetables that contain iron is useable by the body unlike iron found in dark and red meats.

Who Needs Wingsuits?

transmorpher says...

Interesting backstory to this diver Stig Pryds - like many other people , he cured his arthritis by ditching meat and dairy.

He's supposed to be in a wheelchair and on medication.

He started swimming as therapy for his arthritis too, and turns out he's the worlds best freediver......which no doubt makes him talented, but when you think about how not eating cholesterol (only in meat/dairy/eggs/fish) will clean out your arteries, it's no wonder his blood is able to stay oxygenated for longer periods. Along with eating greens, he'll be around 20% more efficient at utilizing oxygen and creating energy.

I wonder if he'll be in the upcoming James Cameron's Game Changers documentary.

How Vintage Game Controllers Worked

When Tax Cuts Failed

transmorpher says...

A trickle would be nice, seems like everyone got pissed on instead.

Tax cuts need to be designed so that they only apply to businesses when they employ more people.... this helps people, and it also helps the state/country, since more people working = more tax collected (in total) and all those schools are able to be funded properly - look at Sweden, a teacher is paid a massive wage, and educated people innovate and make even more money for the state thru taxes. It needs a fine balance, like gardening.

Some laws that help weed out clear corporate meddling in government policies would be nice too. Lobby groups, kickbacks etc. Completely screwed up imo.

Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand

transmorpher says...

If you love marine animals be vegan. Animal agriculture is the #1 most destructive force on the planet.....

You aren't just killing a chicken when you eat them, the chain of consequences has far more reach which is why the UN is advising people to stop eating animals. We are effectively replacing the environment's massive biodiversity with 3 types of farm animals. We'll be lucky to make it to the 22nd century:

Wrap your lips around a vegan "beef" patty. They are winning awards these days, so no excuses :-)

Christmas Time in California Sucks

trumpet meme

Tortoise thinks it's a dog.

2.0 - movie trailer

The Economist | How could veganism change the world?

transmorpher says...

Also google/youtube for "6th Mass Extinction"

We will be the arbiters of our own demise, within our lifetimes - unless we change our shopping lists.

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