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Appeasment doesn't work because...

Dr. Phil bashes 'Bumfights' Creator, kicks him off show

tooley says...

Upvote so people can go downvote the bumfights. It's good to think about "what makes people like this stuff". Maybe we can stop people from patronizing it, and then people like this will be out of a job, and will have to do something honorable with their time.

tv news reporter busts public library pervert

tooley says...

Awesome. We need more reporters like that, and a bit more shame could be useful as well. He's a perv doing his perv behavior in public, he should be charged. I hope the parents get charged with assault. Look it up folks. Porn leads to a bevy of disturbing behaviors. If we don't even try to intervene, nothing will happen. Filtering software is not the solution. Policing the library is not the solution. But, dealing with crimes adequately, as they did here, is a good step in the right direction. Letting the community judge him under the law is a good step. Ignoring the problem while it festers in a community is a surefire recipe for turning your town into a cesspool.

Holy Moly! Submarine Ring of Fire 2006

Guitar Masters - Andrés Segovia plays "Asturias"

VW Touareg towing a 747

Penn & Teller - The Bible Myth

Scientology Security Guys

Scientologists Accost Cameraman

tooley says...

Some great closeups of some totally creepy guys. All ad hominem attacks from the three guys. The cameraman's not the best debater, but he definitely doesn't get any material responses. "What are you afraid of!" "What have YOU done!" "What are YOUR crimes!" Whoa.

Plane misses oncoming plane

tooley says...

If they were on a simulated bombing run (350kts at about 2,400 feet,) it seems they hit a button that changed the mode from navigation ("VOR" in the lower left) to bomb sighting ("CCIP" in the lower left.) Thankfully, the armaments are still on "SAFE" (also lower left.)

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West (11:41)

FGM-148 Javelin vs. Tank - 38 seconds of Geekdom

tooley says...

The research and development department at TomTom is busy finalizing the features for their upcoming TomTom Go 1100, including the new TrafficEliminator. This reloadable traffic management device promises to be user installable, and as with all TomTom features, accessible via a simple touchscreen interface.

Small plane squeezes through gap in cliff at 100mph

tooley says...

I'm not sure skill is the right word for that. In the aviation community, safety is paramount, and risk is a four letter word. I'm guessing he's a professional who measured the opening beforehand against his wingspan. Otherwise, I'll call it a stunt, and until he crashes, you can call it skill.

First person video of speed gliding on the Eiger.

"You think I can make it in between there?"

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