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Thousands in Iran rally in support of Egypt, Tunisia

Thousands in Iran rally in support of Egypt, Tunisia

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Will Canada Extend Afghan Mission?

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New York Times Beats Drums for War with IRAN

theali says...

So you are fine with Minority Report style's proactive crime prevention?

The point is that Iran is only exercising its legal right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. They were granted that right by abiding by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The whole point of the treaty is to prevent development of nuclear weapons.

Also Iran signed an agreement with Turkey and Brazil, committing itself to sending out the nuclear fuel for enrichment, so that it can't develop weapons. That was what US was asking for, but the Obama administration promptly rejected that agreement.

I highly suggest watching this TYT clip:

>> ^chilaxe:

"NYT ignores intelligence there is no evidence of Iran nuclear weapons program."
Regardless of whether we're pro or con etc, I'm trying to imagine how gullible someone would have to be to seriously suggest that Iran isn't going to develop nuclear weapons.

North Korea attacks South Korea

Turning Mecca into Disneyland

Bill Maher Disses Jon Stewart Sanity Rally

The Road to Serfdom - Friedrich A. Hayek

Uncle Sam Wants Your DNA: Privacy a price to pay for travel

It is the Great Engine of Life

Dr. James Hansen at oilsands hearings in Edmonton, Alberta

theali says...

But I don't trust the Carbon Trade marketplace idea, specially when the pitch is to give the money directly to the people as well. The idea of monetary reward for the people, would pull a wool over their eyes when it comes to evaluating the proposed marketplace rules unbiasedly.

Iran has Flying Boats.

theali says...

Currently Iran's only defense is the thread of "blocking Strait of Hormuz" so that oil tankers can't leave the persian gulf. They can't block the tankers thru air because of superior aviation technology on the other side, so they are exploring other options.

This is purely for defensive purposes, so that US/Israel would face real consequences, if they decide to attack Iran.

>> ^FishBulb:

What actual tactical advantage does a craft such as this bring to the table?

Atheist Comedy - The Meaning of Life

theali says...

Yes, God wants its subjects to prey, it is like meditation, supposedly subjects will relax n live better! God doesn't want subjects praying to other things, because subjects could get strayed toward the "wrong" things, so they got to stay away from praying to those other things.

I like the argument on free will, I have used the same one in the past, but the bit about praying, is not researched well, at least it doesn't debunk the above point.

>> ^Psychologic:

>> ^theali:
I think the argument is that "praying is good for the subjects themselves" not that God needs the prayers.

So god wants us to pray to him because it's good for us? He seems to get pretty mad when we pray to other things.

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