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creepy hologram at a london railway station

Embedded Racism for little girls. Thanks, Corporate America!

terminator genisys trailer

speechless says...

Alternate universe.
Infinite parallel universes (multiverse). Try to shoot your grandfather, well you just shot him in a different universe. Paradox avoided.

lucky760 said:

I'm interested as always.

My only problem is the WAY busted time travel logic.

If he's sending the dude back in their timeline to save her, how can he arrive in a different timeline's past where she doesn't need saving and everything has changed?



The Rocket did it again: 147 points, his 13th maximum break

speechless says...

Takes the strategic ability to see many moves ahead like chess, combined with the physical skill to execute it under pressure.

US Gov film on global warming from 30 years ago

Pregnant Woman Blasts Antiabortion Protesters Outside Clinic

speechless says...

Well guess what? People don't exist in this world to write a script tailored just for you to understand. I've seen you say this "well they should have wrote it differently" thing before. Ok. Try reading it differently. Sometimes you have to take a breath in and out and read what someone else is saying.

Best advice, don't assume the worst.

newtboy said:

Ahhhh. I see. If so, I think he should have said "they believe the police are complicit", since there's no crime happening for the police to be complicit in, in reality.
Yes, IF abortion WERE murder, the police, state and federal government, all employees, landlords, etc. would all be complicit. Because it's not, they are not. That's what confused me. Thanks.

Pregnant Woman Blasts Antiabortion Protesters Outside Clinic

speechless says...

Also seems pretty clear to me that he's not advocating women being prevented access to abortions, but instead pointing out the hypocrisy of those who clearly don't believe their own bullshit, because if they did, they'd be storming the building to prevent those "murders".

Don't mean to speak for you @gorillaman, sorry. But that's my take on it.

Pregnant Woman Blasts Antiabortion Protesters Outside Clinic

speechless says...

Maybe it's me, but I think what gorillaman meant about the police is pretty obvious. They would be allowing a murder to take place. They would be defending and protecting the murderers in that scenario. And in so doing they would be complicit in the act of murder.

newtboy said:

I don't understand what you mean about the police...

Bill Nye: The Earth is Really, Really Not 6,000 Years Old

Bill Nye: The Earth is Really, Really Not 6,000 Years Old

speechless says...

Understand, for people who have faith, faith is knowing the unknowable.

Example: I know that intelligent life exists on other planets. It is a 100% certainty in my mind. I am so certain of this "fact" in fact, that I think it's ridiculous that there are people who even question it. Yet, there is no actual scientific proof. Nothing published. Nothing discovered. I believe it though. I know it to be true. If someone were to tell me I shouldn't believe or talk about it, I would find it nonsensical and offensive. This is what faith feels like.

There's a difference between passively not believing in God and actively hating people who do.

If someone offers some bullshit as fact, and you know it isn't, welcome to every day on earth (or at least the internet). It doesn't matter if it's religion or not.

For example: (paraphrasing) 'Most people proselytize'.

Most of the (almost 6 Billion) people who believe in God go through their day to day lives without ever even mentioning their beliefs let alone trying to proselytize when they do.

And on that note I will say that proselytizing is not necessarily wrong either. You believe what you believe and they believe what they believe and everyone gets to express themselves (all proselytizing) and everyone can make up their own minds. Now, I'm talking about people expressing themselves, not entities who have an agenda.

Which brings me to my last point. None of this is to suggest that I disagree with Bil Nye. Kids should not be fed bullshit. Adults either. The real problem? It's not "money is the root of all evil". It's "the love of money". Greed is behind the majority of evil.

There are those who desire positions of power and pervert religion into a tool to achieve their own agenda. This is a very old story. And it is these people who "take God's name in vain". But that's just one hammer in their toolbag. Religion is one. Anti-intellectualism another. Manipulation through fear. On and on.

Science is truth but it is not the only "truth" in life. Art exists. Beauty exists. Love exists. There is more. Maybe all of that can be boiled down to some chemical reactions in the brain and sociological pressures, but I believe there is a greater truth.

Sorry for ranting. Don't take any of this personally please!

newtboy said:

Granted, but it was a request, not a command.
How about I ask them to just stop acting like they KNOW the unknowable, and insist they preface their religious conversations with 'this is what I believe' instead of 'this is how it is'?
While I would prefer to not have to hear about other's beliefs constantly, my real issue is with them being offered as 'fact' that I MUST accept in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
My problem also lies with the fact that most people (not all) can't discuss their beliefs without proselytizing, that's especially so for religious zealots. I would have much more patience with the topic if that were not the case.

Bill Nye: The Earth is Really, Really Not 6,000 Years Old

speechless says...

With the VAST majority of the world's population believing God exists in one form or another, you're asking a whole lot of people to just shut up about it.

Tolerance goes both ways.

I tolerate living in a world where cartoons depicting literally shitting on Jesus is considered a form of entertainment. Maybe other people can tolerate when a person simply relates an experience they had and shares their view without even trying to proselytize.

newtboy said:

Because we won't know until after death, can people give all the religious stuff a rest until after then please?

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

speechless says...

Did you fall down the stairs and hit your head? Are you OK?

I hope so. Though a concussion is really the only explanation for the nonsense you just wrote. Maybe you should get that checked.

Trancecoach said:

Like most of Sorkin's bloviating, this empty rhetoric is undermined by the incongruency of the climate change alarmists' own ballooning carbon footprints while attempting to use the government to impose force upon others' behavior. Until global warming alarmists themselves walk their talk (i.e., drive hybrids -- if they drive at all -- cease flying in airplanes, eat strictly vegetarian diets, have few if any children, and withdraw their consent from the worst polluter on the planet: the state), then no amount of freaking out, ranting, incentives, or attempts at policy will serve to avert the "impending catastrophe."

In China and India (where pollution is no doubt a significant problem), there are hundreds of millions of people who have far bigger concerns and more pressing problems than some remote notion of a "warming planet" or some looming "catastrophic collapse of civilization." (In fact, the same can be said for the majority of the population of the planet.)

And this is to say nothing of how ALL of the models used to support "evidence" for the case of a warming planet have ALL (not some, but ALL) been consistently undermined by serious skeptical science (PDF) while the claims of the political entity of the IPCC remain inconsistent with the data.

Since when do politicians get to decide the veracity of scientific fact?

EDIT: ALL of the climate-change alarmists' predictions, dating back to the 1980s, have all failed to come true. When this trend continues for the next few decades, there will be no shortage of "Told You So" moments that will undoubtedly be explained away by some unknown variable -- like the heat that is "hiding" in the ocean -- that, once "corrected for," will serve to further prop up this political ruse.

Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist

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