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Sen. George Allen (R-VA) calls Indian-American "macaque" (French equivalent of "the N-word", Allen speaks French)

USAF Bombs BBC News Crew In Iraq

Documentary by 17 yr old recreates the "doll test" from 50s (skip to 3:20)

O'Reilly Interviews Marilyn Manson

Richard Dean Anderson sings in a 70s band

Alien hiding behind post, grabs boy!!!!!

Lame spoof of Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" - paid for by Exxon

Impossible Moto Double Back Flip by Pastrana

Japanese Female Android - Repliee

Firing a Bullet at the Blade of a Samurai Sword - Guess what happens next (2:15 min)

MEGA 147 maximum break made to look easy...

Michigan youth investigate how WalMart came to their small town

slurpeyatari says...

Wal Mart is efficient. If you dont like it dont shop there. What I think is funny is that krupo had a rough time with the word grateful.

via webster
The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search box to the right.

Suggestions for greatful:

1. grateful
2. gratefully
3. gray wolf
4. Great Falls
5. gratify
6. great seal
7. greatcoat
8. great room
9. great power
10. great auk

Action Cats

Juggling otter (yeah, she's using only one rock, but she's an OTTER, damn it!)

The Internet: "A Series of Tubes"

slurpeyatari says...

I like how entertainmentmajor is ashamed to be apart of this country over this. How about you get up and make a speech about it. In front of some of the most powerful people in this country who make decisions about your daily life. Kudos if you can!

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