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The ultimate video game turned movie...STRAFE!

Black Bear Summer Skiing in Whistler, BC.

The ultimate video game turned movie...STRAFE!

shagen454 says...

That's a pretty awesome trailer that reminds me of a terrible movie that was terrible even when it was released, that I should watch again, called Brainscan - featuring Eddie Furlong. If you look at it's RT page it has a 17% critic score but 61% liked it - so it's definitely one of those weird "cult" flicks. Eh, whatever - reviews suck these days just like mainstream news you can't delineate shit from em, just like this game - it's been getting pretty bad scores and pretty good scores. Me, if I wanted to play this game - I'd just go play Quake. That game is still badass to this day.

Blade Runner 2049 Trailer

7 Sounds Cats Make and What They Mean

shagen454 says...

Haha, Trilling - never heard that before! I've been trilling my cats before they trill me for years, I love that sound. Chattering is also interesting to me. I wonder if it's frustration, or purely an acknowledgement that they are fully aware of something that they could tear up but just can't get to and letting everyone know that, while they continue to focus. Or I wonder, if out in the wild with friends, if it's a way of having other cats go stealth for a flank.

Is a Grand Jury Now Looking into Trump?

shagen454 says...

Think I was just watching a video with good ol' Chompkster on the Sift who was saying that it's meaningless to focus on this topic. Hopefully, we'll get him out of there - but probably not with the Russian ties aspect.

Your Brain on LSD and Acid

shagen454 says...

Yeah, it's been a while for me too. The best one I remember was living off Valencia street in the Mission district of San Francisco. I dropped, went to sleep for a hour and woke up and the floors literally had mist flowing through the apartment like some sort of ethereal fantasy movie. When I went outside the fence was waving/bending in a mesmerizing way and the houses were continually sinking into the ground. I looked at some flowers and they were infinitely growing. The best part was looking in the mirror, it was like one of those youtube videos where someone takes a photo of them-self every day for a year - every second it was like a different photo of myself except very organic watching myself grow old, bald and with a beard and then back to normal, lol. It was fun, but I'd never do it again without some anti-anxiety pills around for the last 6 hours which I found to be fairly annoying. Plus, as Shpongle puts it "LSD? Do DMT." (

Weirdest Video You Will EVER See.

Plane crash in Seattle caught on dash cam

Parody of Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

Honest Ads - Why Credit Cards Are A Scam

shagen454 says...

I don't have any beefs with my credit card - I just don't like how having a decent credit rating is basically forced on society to get - a job (in some cases like my job working at a software company), to rent a home to sleep in (instead of your friends couch or the street). They got your balls on this - real "free" Amerikkka, real free....

henry rollins-punk rock hyenas and too much LSD

shagen454 says...

Glad to hear Henry admit he's done LSD. He should still probably eat an eighth of mushrooms all by himself. I have a lot in common with Rollins but yeah - he's definitely still more of an asshole than I am, lol

Streamers big mistake of playing video that came w/ donation

shagen454 says...

HAHAH!! Dude! I haven't seen THAT guy in a long time. He used to go by NoSleepTV, his Twitch channel was some of the funniest shit I've ever seen on a constant basis. He moved out of the US and I guess changed his Twitch name - So AIDS!

*we used to even run around in WoW causing a storm of weirdness mayhem while on his stream, so much fun. He used to be a really good Counter-Strike streamer but then gave into pure comedy - hence streaming WoW for months (but not really playing it) lol

Hans Zimmer Plays the Inception Soundtrack-Live at Coachella

Sedan Dragged By Truck For Miles Down Freeway

shagen454 says...

Didn't see them for 4 miles, huh? I mean, I'm sure that 1 big mirror right in front of your fucking face was really that difficult to spot black smoke in broad daylight.

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