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The street goes BOOM!

Biker cut off but lands safely... ish

shagen454 says...

I like how he has a small chat with the car once he knows he's just hanging out on the trunk - I can't believe you right now, dude!

Vicente Fox, Mexican President, talks to Trump directly

Logan: Superhero Movies Get Old

shagen454 says...

I watched the first couple of X-men and the first Spider-man... but once it became formulaic I started using the word "McMarvel" to describe the mainstream process of turning comics into "films" and slapping them together and shitting them out.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Doctor Strange - but look at something like David Lynch's Twin Peaks Returns. I mean this is why I like this guy - he is creative & defiant, always. The first 2 part episode is like the anti-thesis of Hollywood garbage (while incorporating some of it) and basically anti-reboot as well.

Trump pushes aside NATO ally and Preens for the camera

shagen454 says...

small (hands) man, big (ignorant) mouth. I mean, he's so much of a toddler I wonder if he still has to cry & suck on someone's tit in order to satiate his wondrously deflating inflated ego. Can someone pop that shit with a voodoo doll for good? I'd love to watch that live on TV, this guy just devolving into a bloody smelly mess puddle and being taken off to the most vicious Hell dimension possible to be taught some fucking lessons. lol

Did he say that out loud? Anderson Cooper slips dirty one

Should I Have a Baby?

shagen454 says...

When he talks about how amazing the choice is to "create" a kid; it's a total cosmic giggle for me. I just picture the sound of a ketchup bottle being squeezed; Holy shit! We got another one! So AMAZING.... and yet, yeah it's pretty incredible! Lol

The Janitor Story From Crucial Accountability


shagen454 says...

Yeah, I don't buy it. They see the car stop and they supposedly turn around walking on the opposite side of the street on the sidewalk? I doubt it, if you've ever been in a defensive situation like that - where you don't know what an angry asshole is going to do - you probably turn around in your tracks and probably walk off the street to make sure the guy isn't going to try to run you over - so that is why I don't get why they would have all of a sudden crossed the street (losing time and putting themselves in the line of fire) and gotten on the sidewalk conveniently located next to a puddle.

Second thing is - right when he turns around and the camera has view of the puddle - he says, "pricks.... there's a puddle there!" I just don't buy it.

Oroville 15 May Update -Recovery

Life Cycle of the Hercules Beetle

shagen454 says...

god damn, that is awesome. I used to get squeamish by these sorts of things, or even looking at the brain. As I get older I appreciate all of it more and want to cut shit open and see what's in there! Life is weird, weirder than we could possibly imagine (in an amazing way)!!

Parquet Courts - Stoned And Starving (Live on KEXP)

shagen454 says...

Hell yeah, I want to promote this but people on the Sift don't give a rat's ass about good music unfortunately.

Definite The Fall, Mark E. Smith vibe, which I like but sorta hate because come on man! Don't copy Mark E. Smith he'll stick his smoke in your retina and pour scotch down the hole!! But the discordant krautrock vibe... I am always up for krautrock rehashes lol, when they're jamming reminds me of some of my old bands

Constituent Rips Into Congressman Over Health Care

Little Girl Turns Up and Dabs to "Jesus Loves Me"

shagen454 says...

People on the Sift don't even know who Death Grips are, Lol on them

This was me in pre-school and Kindergarten... be careful, head-banging to the mind control songs will land you in pre-first

The most entertaining history of the entire world

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